


admin admin 发表于2023-11-20 08:10:03 浏览49 评论0





purchase英v.购买; 采购; 换得; 依靠机械力移动n.购买; 购买行为; 购置物; 紧握第三人称单数:purchases现在分词:purchasing过去式:purchased过去分词:purchased数据合作方:金山词霸双语例句柯林斯词典同反义词英英释义百度百科百度知道新1The island’s in the Pacific Ocean; I’m not at liberty to say exactly where, because we’re still negotiating for its purchase.这个岛在太平洋上;我无权说出它的具体位置,因为我们仍在洽谈购买事宜


原形purchase东西;【法】(非继承性的房屋,地产的)购买,获得,取得;获得物 2买进,购买;购得物,买进物 3买卖,交易;【史】买卖军职的作法 4(以全年收益做单位计算的)价格;(土地等的)每年收益 5【机】起重装置,扩力装置;复滑车,杠杆;(杠杆等的)支点;〈比喻〉人情,门路


  一、purchase和buy的区别  一般来说,用金钱去购买东西的话, 两者意思是一样的,都是购买的意思。  (1)、日常对话中我们用buy,例如 where/when did you buy it? I bought it from Wal-Mart/two weeks ago.  (2)、Purchase一般用于书面语, 或者比较正式的场合,以及商务文档中。  Consumers purchased the discounted products from Target.  二、具体用法示例  (1)、 buy 是最为普遍的用词, purchase 有时在较为官式的场合出现,比较上来得文化意味较重,而且似乎经过"深思熟虑"才决定的:  "The board of directors has decided to purchase the land lot no.231 from xxx"  在此例子里, 用 buy 完全不会影响其原意.  (2)、 buy 和 purchase 其他解释, 例如你可 buy time (争取时间), I don’t buy Tom’s ida.我不采纳汤姆的意见。这时便不能换作purchase了。  (3)、 buy 和 purchase 虽然都可作名词. 但若是指一项「购入」则多用 purchase. buy 作名词用时多数作「抵到烂/执到宝...」解.  We made the purchase last year (我们在上年达成这项购物/入的)  It was a real buy at that price! (以那价钱来说真是抵到烂啦!!)  至於deal with则多指安排, 处理, 涉及, 做生意。可以用(make bussiness)、(cope with )、(manage)、(handle)、(see to)、(take care)、(sort out)、(content with)、(take in hand)等作同义词用。


purchase 既可作不可数名词,又可作可数名词,根据意思而定。1.购买的行为,买进 为不可数:purchase and sale 买卖;the purchase of sth 购买某物2. 购买物,赃物 为可数名词This book is a recent purchase of mine. 这本书是我前几天买来的。


purchase英 v.购买; 采购; 换得; 依靠机械力移动n.购买; 购买行为; 购置物; 紧握购买;采购;进货;购置过去式: purchased 过去分词: purchased 现在分词: purchasing 第三人称单数: purchases派生词:purchasable purchaser双语例句1. Purchase tax was not payable on goods for export.出口商品不需要交购买税。2. Investors can borrow an amount equal to the property’s purchase price.投资者可以获得与房产购买价格相等的借款额。3. When her deal is done, the client emerges with her purchase.交易完成后,委托人会出现并将她购买的东西交给她。4. I couldn’t get any purchase with the screwdriver on the damn screws.我用螺丝刀拧那些该死的螺丝钉时一点也使不上劲儿。5. Some of the receipts had been for the purchase of cars.其中一些收据是购买汽车时开的。


  • purchase中文意思是:购买When her deal is done, the client emerges with her purchase. 交易完成后,顾客拿着购买的东西出来了。

  • purchase 英 n. 购买; 采购; 购买的东西; 购买项目; 握紧; 抓牢; 蹬稳; v. 买; 购买; 采购; He purchased a ticket and went up on the top deck他买了一张票,然后上到顶层甲板。 第三人称单数:purchases 现在分词:purchasing 过去式:purchased 过去分词:purchased 敬请采纳!
