
university life the university

university life(what does the university life mean to you 不是要翻译,要你的答案)

admin admin 发表于2023-11-21 12:58:12 浏览56 评论0


“university life”相关信息最新大全有哪些,这是大家都非常关心的,接下来就一起看看university life(what does the university life mean to you 不是要翻译,要你的答案)!


what does the university life mean to you 不是要翻译,要你的答案

University life for me, is both challenging and enjoyable. 翻译:对于我来说,大学生活既有挑战性,又有乐趣。




n. 挑战;邀请比赛;盘问;质疑

v. 向......挑战;盘问;质疑

He accepted his friend’s challenge to swim across the river.



1、accept a challenge 应战

2、face an challenge 面临着挑战

3、give a challenge 挑战

4、meet the challenge 对付挑战

英语大侠帮忙写篇英语范文,题目是university life是一篇200字的英语范文,字数在200字左右

My University LifeWhen I was younger, I have always dreamt of coming into a university. And now I am in one. Oh my, university life is so different from life in primary school or high school. It is much more liberal and vibrant. The first difference is that you would go to different classrooms for different lessons. This way, each classroom can be furnished more to the purpose of the lessons. And as a student, I think it is nice since one eventually get bored when one has to sit in the same classroom for four years. The lessons themselves are more in depth and I find that the atmosphere during a lesson is more relaxed. In high school, we are being treated like little children who have to follow every instructions of the teacher; but in the university, I feel that I am being more respected and treated as an adult. But that means that I must also shoulder the corresponding responsibility. I need to study hard and learn more skills in the university so that I could be ready to go into the society when I graduate.

大学生活是University life还是University Life

  • 如果做题目写就是University Life

  • University life,因为不是一个专有名词,也没有特指的意义

  • 既然是一门课就该是大写

  • college life 也可以吧

  • 呵呵, 其实没有必要首字母大写university life 就可以了。

university life是什么意思

university life是“大学生活”的意思。university英n. 综合性大学; 大学人员; 大学校舍;例句:John hopkins is a university.约翰霍普金斯是一所本科。life 英n. 生活,生计; 生命,性命; 一生,寿命; 人生,尘世;例句:Why did you choose this life?为什么你选择这样的生活?

关于university life和what does the university life mean to you 不是要翻译,要你的答案的介绍到此就结束了,不知道你从中找到你需要的信息了吗 ?如果你还想了解更多这方面的信息,记得收藏关注本站。
