
留学文书开头 出国留学文书 出国


admin admin 发表于2023-12-01 19:19:49 浏览86 评论0





您好,158教育在线为您服务。标准型的开头涵盖了以下几方面内容:人物,事件,时间,地点,原因和形式。这种写法很像新闻写作中的六个W,它使读者对于文章即将涉及哪些内容有一个清晰的印象。其中最标准的就是概括性的开头,而最普通的概括性开头往往就是重复一遍问题:"While I have had many opportunities to serve in the capacity of aleader in both my personal and professional lives, there are twooccasions that I feel clearly demonstrate my managerial potential.""There are two individuals who have deeply shaped my professionalthinking." "My most important cross-cultural experience is relatedto the fifteen months I spent in Thailand as a teacher of EconomicsandBusinessin a Cambodian refugee camp."出国留学文书essay惊奇型开头这种essay开头意在使读者大吃一惊,从而引发他们的阅读兴趣。如:"Recently, I was trapped on a ledge more than 300 feet abovethe ground when an unexpected snow storm hit while I was rockclimbing." "During my senior year in college, my father wasdiagnosed with terminal skin cancer."出国留学文书essay动作型开头动作型开头则一开始就把读者带入某一行为之中,它尤其适合需要节省空间的短文章以及用故事作为开头的叙述型/描述型文章。如:"I carried the puck up the left wing and couldnt find ateam-mate as I reached the offensive zone."出国留学文书essay领导型开头领导型的开头在MBAessay的一开始就给读者一个对于作者的某个领导职能的深刻印象。这类文章旨在展现一个自信的、目标明确的申请人。在使用这类开头的时候,文章接下来的内容必须十分有力度,以支撑起这一形象。下面举例的三个开头出于同一篇文章,分别用于引导三个部分的内容。"During the summer before my senior year, I founded andmanaged a company that employed five people and grossed twentythousand dollars." (第一部分) "In my senior year atHarvard, I led ourECAC champion hockey team in points, becoming the first player toever begin his career on the J.V. team and finish as the varsitysleading scorer." (第二部分) "I paid for the majority of my collegeeducation, while achieving Deans List every semester, spent fortyhours each week participating in a Division 1 athletic program,worked ten to fifteen hours each week to help defray tuition costs,and also maintained a balanced social life." (第三部分)出国留学文书essay信息型开头这种开头向读者传达一个事实或信息,而这一事实或者与你的文章的主题有关,或者传达了关于你的某种信息:"Technological innovation is occurring at an ever-increasingpace." "Six months ago, my church implemented a new organizationalstructure in which all the various church functions wereconsolidated under the responsibility of one of ten differentcommittees."如有疑问,欢迎向158教育在线知道提问。


您好,158教育在线为您服务。标准型的开头涵盖了以下几方面内容:人物,事件,时间,地点,原因和形式。这种写法很像新闻写作中的六个W,它使读者对于文章即将涉及哪些内容有一个清晰的印象。其中最标准的就是概括性的开头,而最普通的概括性开头往往就是重复一遍问题:"While I have had many opportunities to serve in the capacity of aleader in both my personal and professional lives, there are twooccasions that I feel clearly demonstrate my managerial potential.""There are two individuals who have deeply shaped my professionalthinking." "My most important cross-cultural experience is relatedto the fifteen months I spent in Thailand as a teacher of EconomicsandBusinessin a Cambodian refugee camp."出国留学文书essay惊奇型开头这种essay开头意在使读者大吃一惊,从而引发他们的阅读兴趣。如:"Recently, I was trapped on a ledge more than 300 feet abovethe ground when an unexpected snow storm hit while I was rockclimbing." "During my senior year in college, my father wasdiagnosed with terminal skin cancer."出国留学文书essay动作型开头动作型开头则一开始就把读者带入某一行为之中,它尤其适合需要节省空间的短文章以及用故事作为开头的叙述型/描述型文章。如:"I carried the puck up the left wing and couldnt find ateam-mate as I reached the offensive zone."出国留学文书essay领导型开头领导型的开头在MBAessay的一开始就给读者一个对于作者的某个领导职能的深刻印象。这类文章旨在展现一个自信的、目标明确的申请人。在使用这类开头的时候,文章接下来的内容必须十分有力度,以支撑起这一形象。下面举例的三个开头出于同一篇文章,分别用于引导三个部分的内容。"During the summer before my senior year, I founded andmanaged a company that employed five people and grossed twentythousand dollars." (第一部分) "In my senior year atHarvard, I led ourECAC champion hockey team in points, becoming the first player toever begin his career on the J.V. team and finish as the varsitysleading scorer." (第二部分) "I paid for the majority of my collegeeducation, while achieving Deans List every semester, spent fortyhours each week participating in a Division 1 athletic program,worked ten to fifteen hours each week to help defray tuition costs,and also maintained a balanced social life." (第三部分)出国留学文书essay信息型开头这种开头向读者传达一个事实或信息,而这一事实或者与你的文章的主题有关,或者传达了关于你的某种信息:"Technological innovation is occurring at an ever-increasingpace." "Six months ago, my church implemented a new organizationalstructure in which all the various church functions wereconsolidated under the responsibility of one of ten differentcommittees."如有疑问,欢迎向158教育在线知道提问。


加拿大留学文书写作要点:  1、构思创意  一篇好的文书,注定离不开好的创意,我们在下笔之前,要整体把握一下自己的个人特点和优势,并以此为基础,构思出整篇文书的独特创意之处。比如在开头可以用有趣的创意故事,来展开整篇文章的写作。  2、列大纲  写作之前,先列大纲是一个非常好的习惯,文书写作也是如此,根据我们大纲中我们想好的点进行延伸写作,能够让文书更充实,也能更符合逻辑。  3、注重框架  很多同学将文书看待的过于重要,其实不必如此,我们可以将文书看成一份日常的文章写作,同日常写作一样构建框架,在开头引入主题,正文结合案例,最后进行总结。  4、内容充实而详细  在文书写作中,我们要避免陈述过于泛泛化,而是在文章中,要进行内容充实和详细的讲解,在陈述中,多填充具体事例,从而让文书显的真实而具体。  5、诚意  根据多年的经验发现,任何一所院校,都对诚意满满的申请学生更青睐,所以在整篇文书的写作中,我们都要注重表现出自己的诚意,但是我们要注意度的把握,过度的表现反而不好。  6、检查  没有谁的文书是一遍就能写好完成的,所以文书写完之后,我们要进行多次检查修改,特别是着重检查语法和书写错误。

