


admin admin 发表于2023-12-02 12:13:25 浏览46 评论0





素有"瑞典国宝”美誉的Europe,自1982年于瑞典全国业余摇滚乐团大赛中脱颖而出、赢得首奖以及唱片合约,并于1983年发行首张同名专辑开始,便以其深受欧洲古典艺术气息所影响而特有的优美旋律,融合重摇滚的爆发力、主唱高亢细致的嗓音以及简捷的曲式,直接且迅速地征服了全球的乐迷。瑞典本身是一个出电子舞曲的国家,瑞典舞曲音乐领域有七十年代ABBA,八十年代ROXETTE、九十年代ACE OF BASE...都是在世界上大名鼎鼎的乐队.Europe也深受影响,具有旋律优美的特点.虽然说Europe自1992年3月于英国朴茨茅斯完成最后的巡回演唱行程之后,便无预警地在其仍处于事业高峰之际就此就地解散、各奔前程,且在其十年的音乐生涯中,仅发表过5张录音室作品,却已足以创下全球数千万张的专辑以及千万张单曲销售纪录! 不知你是否还记得摇滚经典名曲《The Final Countdown》,Joey Tempest那嘹亮高亢的嗓音至今还是清澈地萦绕在无数Europe乐迷的心里! 专辑一经推出即刻风靡全球,《The Final Countdown》此单曲在全球十多个国家获得排行榜冠军 ...也成了流行乐界永不退伍的摇滚名曲!Eupope乐队已经在2005年重组,并且是原班人马,这张专辑是他们1982年到1992年精选集. (cnyay编译_EdemsMusicExpress) This is a really good taster for this band. The main reasons are that it has their huge hits plus doesn’t shy away from putting on some of their earlier rockers either and some of them may surprise people who only knew their couple of megahits back in the day. Really it’s a good buy for Europe fans too as it collects most of the stuff that make us like this band. For the real fan one of the attractions is the liner notes by Joey Tempest. They do add to the listening experience and aren’t just chest beating nonsense. I’m not going to go into detail with the various tracks - the newcomer can discover for themselves what songs apart from the hits they like and determine if they want to explore further (the chronological order of this album is a good touch, more bands should do this with ’best ofs’). Just a note for those who already have all the albums - there are a couple of non LP tracks here - study the tracks listing our mates at Amazon have available and decide for yourself if hearing/owning these are worth the money. My vote is that yes, get this disc even if you have all their studio LP’s.Tracklist/曲目列表1.In the Future to Come2.Seven Doors Hotel3.Stormwind4.Open Your Heart5.Scream of Anger6.Dreamer7.The Final Countdown8.On Broken Wings9.Rock the Night10.Carrie11.Cherokee12.Superstitious13.Ready or Not14.Prisoners in Paradise15.I’’ll Cry for You16.Sweet Love Child17.Yesterday’’s News


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