
harvard referencing

harvard referencing(Harvard Referencing Method)

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这篇文章给大家聊聊关于harvard referencing,以及Harvard Referencing Method对应的知识点,希望对各位有所帮助,不要忘了收藏本站哦。


Harvard Referencing Method

以下是用“Reference”的一些格式。这些句子会帮助让读者了解资料是出自何处。  The table/chart diagram graph     shows (that)...     According to the As (is) shown in the As can be seen from the table/chart, diagram, graph, figures,  ...figures statistics shows (that)... It can be seen from the We can see from the It is clear from the It is apparent from the   table/chart diagram graph figures (that) ...diagram shows describes illustrates how...  记着不要用这类句子太频引至不必要的重覆。 例子应该很多,可以搜索一下

如何Harvard Referencing

This guide has been produced by the ASU in response to questions from Business School students about the important subject of accurate referencing. It is essential for you to reference your work thoroughly because everything you write for the Business School is ’evidenced’ - your discussion and arguments should consist mainly of academic theory and ’expert’ practitioner experience. These two main sources (theory and practice) MUST be referenced throughout your writing. Readers must be able to see which words are your own words and what sources you have used as evidence to back up your assertions. It is essential to remember that:1) Your tutor must be able to check your source.2) Other readers might want to follow up your work.3) If you do not reference, you can be accused of stealing the work and ideas of others, and this is the serious offence of Plagiarism. The UH Business School uses a Harvard referencing system. ASU have produced a ’standard’ version from the many different variations available because it is important to be consistent with all your references. ASU has worked with LIS to produce this standard referencing format for the Business School. Harvard is a modern ’author-date’ system and should not be used in the same document with the older footnote system (’historical’ system) which contains numbers in the text and footnotes. The complete reference consists of two parts - an in-text citation and a final reference in the list of References, which has the following order:HARVARD BASIC ORDER OF INFORMATION Harvard is an ’AUTHOR DATE’ system, and (if known), you must record the information in this order:Author (Year) Title. Place of publication: Name of publisher.If you do not have any part of the information, you will have to leave it out or indicate you do not have it with ’date unknown’ for example. Very rarely is the ’author unknown’ although it may be a ’corporate’ author. You can reference ANY sources using Harvard - the rule is keep the same order of information as above. WHO WROTE THE WORK?WHEN DID THEY WRITE IT?WHAT IS THE NAME OF THE WORK?WHERE CAN IT BE FOUND?References and Bibliography References are NOT the same as a Bibliography. Your lecturer may ask you to put either one of these, or both at the end of your assignment. Whichever you use, the Harvard style is the same and it must be arranged alphabetically. Here are the differences: References References contain a list of all the sources you actually used and ’cited’ in the text. Bibliography A Bibliography contains all the sources of information that you used as ’background’ reading for the assignment but you did not actually cite these sources in the text. A Bibliography should not only include books, but any background sources that you think should be mentioned. Do not make a long Bibliography to impress. Only include items that you think provide useful information for the reader. Remember: References / Bibliography must be arranged alphabetically, according to author.A Reference list must contain an entry for each in-text citation. Other sources, not cited in the text, should go in a separate Bibliography.Always note the full details of your references and quotes as you read and write, so that you do not forget your sources. It will then be easier to make the final list of References. Include a page number if your citation is a direct quotation from your source.Make a final check when editing your work that each in-text citation also appears in the References.Do not mix Harvard with other referencing systems (i.e. do not use ’ibid’, ’op.cit’, etc.)UHBS Harvard Referencing does not use numbering, footnotes and endnotes. Even though there are slight variations of the Harvard format in use worldwide, the key issue is that you must be CONSISTENT and use the same style throughout. The format in this guide has been agreed by the ASU, LIS and interested UHBS staff.Only reference the sources you actually use (see primary and secondary sources below).Take careful note of the different use of italics, inverted commas, etc. between different types of sources (e.g. books and journals). Generally, the titles of books, journals and newspapers are put in italics. The titles of articles in journals are put in inverted commas.If your source is an electronic version, rather than a paper copy of a journal, book, newspaper or report, then you need to state to show that you read it online instead of hard copy.Use ‘Available at’ for URL (uniform resource locator) to identify a web address.Always include the date (day, month and year) that you ’accessed’ your web reference source.Primary and secondary sources Primary sources are the ’original’ sources. Secondary sources are the primary sources referred to by other authors. This guide gives examples of both types of sources. Remember that wherever possible, you should always consult the primary source. However, whatever type of source you use, the golden rule is to only cite and reference the source that you actually use. Attribution tense As a general rule, use the present tense. For example, "Brown (1987) suggests…". You are stating that Brown held this opinion in 1987 and implies he still does so today. Final list of ReferencesConsistent punctuation and spacing are necessary in the References. Some general rules apply: Authors’ names: Use only the initials of the authors’ given names. No full stops and no spaces are used between initials. Titles of works: Use minimal capitalisation for the titles of books, book chapters and journal articles. In the titles of journals, magazines and newspapers, capital letters should be used as they appear normally. Use italics for the titles of books, journals, and newspapers. Enclose titles of book chapters and journal articles in inverted commas (single quotation marks). Page numbering: Books: page numbers are not usually needed in the References. Journal articles: page numbers appear as the final item of the citation, followed by a full stop. Use the abbreviations p. for a single page, and pp. for a page range, e.g. pp.11-12 Whole citation: The different details, or elements, of each citation are separated by full stops. The whole citation finishes with a full stop.Contents Books1 One author2 Two authors3 Several authors4 Edited book5 More than one book by the same author in the same year Journals6 Author unknown7 One author8 Two authors9 Author citing another author Electronic Information10 Electronic book11 Electronic journal12 Internet page - author known13 Organisation website14 Information databases – citing a journal article15 Information databases – citing a report16 Discussion group/Bulletin board17 Virtual Learning Environments (StudyNet)18 Conference proceedings (published)19 Electronic magazine or newsletter20 Online images (graphs, diagrams)21 Multiple references to the same website22 Using acronyms (short forms of organisation/institution names) Other sources23 Two articles by same author in same year24 Reference material (dictionary, encyclopaedia)25 Images( graphs, photographs)26 Newspaper or magazine article - unspecified author27 Newspaper or magazine article – author known28 Corporate author29 Lecture notes(PowerPoint slides, handouts)30 Personal communication (letter, fax, conversation)31 Research reports32 CD-ROM bibliographical database33 Film (DVD / Videocassette / film)34 Full conference proceedings35 Government/EU publication36 Reports37 In house publications38 Thesis / dissertation39 Translation (by translator)40 Translation (by student)41 Encyclopaedia entries42 Exhibition catalogues43 Photographs44 Graphs and tables45 Legislation46 Case law47 Television48 Radio49 Quotations50 Quoting other students

什么是Harvard Referencing System

Harvard referencing system is a citation system developed by Harvard University and used all over the world by publishers. It is referred to as the author-date system in the Chicago Manual of Style. Book titles are cited in the text by an author-date system in parentheses after the sentence, using the surname of the author and the year only, with the parentheses closing before the period, as in (Author 2005). Newspaper articles may be cited by newspaper title (The Guardian 2005) or by the byline, as in (Bowcott 2005).下面是有关哈佛大学的双语资料Harvard UniversityOldest institution of higher learning in the U.S. and widely considered one of the most prestigious.Founded in 1636 in Cambridge, Mass., it was named Harvard College for a Puritan minister, John Harvard (1607–38), who bequeathed to the school his books and half of his estate. It became a university with the establishment of the medical school in 1782. Schools of divinity and law were established in the early 19th century. Charles Eliot, during his long tenure as president (1869–1909), made Harvard an institution with national influence. Harvard has educated seven U.S. presidents, many Supreme Court justices, cabinet officers, and congressional leaders, dozens of major literary and intellectual figures, and numerous Nobel laureates. Its undergraduate school, Harvard College, contains about one-third of the total student body. Radcliffe College (1879) was a coordinate undergraduate women’s college. From 1960 women graduated from both Harvard and Radcliffe, and in 1999 Radcliffe was absorbed by Harvard, the name surviving in the Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study. Harvard University also has graduate or professional schools of business, education, government, dentistry, architecture and landscape design, and public health. Among its affiliated research institutes are the Museum of Comparative Zoology, the Peabody Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology, and the Fogg Art Museum. Its Widener Library is one of the largest and most important libraries in the world. 哈佛大学 Harvard University美国历史最悠久的高等学府(1636年建立),或许是美国最具声望的学校。校名是纪念一位清教牧师J.哈佛(1607~1638)而命名的,他将全部藏书和一半资产捐赠给位于马萨诸塞州剑桥的这所学院。19世纪初相继开设了神学院、法学院和医学院。埃利奥特在长期担任校长期间(1869~1909),把哈佛办成了一所具有全国性影响的学府。哈佛已为美国培养出6位总统、一批最高法院大法官、内阁官员和国会领袖,以及许多文学、知识界人物。哈佛的本科生学院哈佛学院的学生人数约占全体在校学员的1/3。拉德克利夫学院(成立于1879年)原是和哈佛同等的一所女子学院。1960年开始有女子毕业于哈佛学院和拉德克利夫学院。1999年拉德克利夫学院并入哈佛大学,名称仅存于拉德克利夫研究所。哈佛大学现拥有医学、法律、商业、神学、教育、行政管理、牙医、建筑与园林设计和公共卫生等门类的研究院或专业学院。隶属于哈佛大学的高级研究机构有比较动物学博物馆、皮博迪考古学与人种学博物馆和福格艺术博物馆。威德纳图书馆(哈佛图书馆)是全世界规模最大和最重要的图书馆之一。现有注册学生约18,000人。

急!!!!assignment要求harvard refercing method.

Harvard referencing 不是什么文章格式,你写什么都要注意的, 是你引用(reference)别人的句子时的格式,在文章中你一般要标出作者和时间,在文章后(reference部分)你要给出详细来源。这一般在国外的作业,很重要,如果你不指明你引用的话,就是抄袭。你在google,type (Harvard reference)一般会有很多教你怎么写。

Harvard Referencing System

不需要下载 是一种写reference的格式 http://education.exeter.ac.uk/dll/studyskills/harvard_referencing.htm这个网站有教怎么写 按照你引用文章 书籍的不同 有不同的要求一般是 作者 本章名 书名 日期

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