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麦当娜·西科尼(Madonna Ciccone),1958年8月16日出生于美国密歇根州底特律,美国女歌手、演员。11983年,麦当娜出版了首张以她名字命名的专辑《Madonna》。1984年,麦当娜的第二张专辑 《Like A Virgin》发行,随后开始了她的第一次巡回演出。1991年1月,麦当娜在第18届全美音乐奖中,以一曲《VOGUE》赢得最受欢迎舞曲奖。1997年,麦当娜因出演《贝隆夫人》获得金球奖最佳音乐剧女演员奖。2003年4月,麦当娜推出《American Life》,9月出版童话《英国玫瑰》,11月出版第二部童话《皮伯迪先生的苹果》2。2008年3月,麦当娜入选美国“摇滚名人堂”。2012年1月,麦当娜凭借《W.E》获得第69届金球奖最佳电影原创歌曲奖。


  麦当娜,这个流行的象征,时尚的符号,已经陪伴了全世界四分之一个世纪。与众不同的Madonna ,深深影响了流行乐的发展,流行天后简直成了麦当娜的专有名词,也许有人说她不是最伟大的,不是最优秀的,但也不得不承认她是最红,最成功的歌手之一。身为“摇滚女王”,麦当娜给摇滚乐注入了新的活力,全世界无数次为她疯狂,直到现在,麦当娜的巨星光芒依然不减,无论时代在变,一代又一代人,麦当娜证明了她的流行并不是红极一时,而是超越时间的当红。麦当娜已在20世纪和新世纪的流行乐史上烙下了深深的印记。  中文名: 麦当娜·西科尼  外文名: Madonna Louise Veronica Ciccone  别名: 玛丹娜  国籍: 美国  出生地: 密歇根州特律海湾市  出生日期: 1958年8月16日  职业: 创作歌手,导演,作家,演员  经纪公司: Live Nation  代表作品: Like a Virgin,Ray of Light,《贝隆夫人》  主要成就: 1996、1997奥斯卡最佳电影插曲  格莱美年度最佳专辑(1999年)  入选美国摇滚名人堂  金球奖最佳女主角  金球奖最佳原创电影歌曲  时代20世纪最具影响力25位女性  全球销量最高女歌手  BillBoard终身成就奖  星座:狮子座   身高:约162公分   体重:约60公斤   血型:B   眼睛颜色:绿色   自然发色:棕色   音乐类型:流行音乐、舞曲、电子音乐、R&B   演奏乐器:歌唱、吉他、打击乐器   声部:次女高音   家庭成员:5位兄弟、2位姐妹   婚姻状况:离婚,于2000年下嫁导演盖·里奇(2008年10月15日正式宣布离婚)。目前育有1子(Rocco )、1女(Lourdes)1养子(David)、1养女(Mercy)   喜欢的食物:意大利&墨西哥料理   喜欢的瘦身方式:少烟酒,健康运动   喜欢的饮料:香槟&葡萄柚汁   喜欢的颜色:青绿色   喜欢的电影:《Every Hitchcock film Ever Made》   喜欢的男演员:Jack Nicholson   喜欢的女演员:Marilyn Monroe   喜欢的运动员:巴蒂斯图塔   最想做的事:征服全世界


玛丹娜※ 玛丹娜历年音乐大事纪 ※1983 ~ 1990年1983 - 以「Everybody」的试听带受到未来的东家Sire唱片公司总裁Seymour Stein青睐而得到一纸唱片合约。1984 - 其洞洞衣与塑胶手环加上浓妆的造型引起风潮。1985 - 在首届MTV颁奖典礼上以白色内衣及“Boy Toy”字样的金属腰环造型献唱「Like A Virgin」。 自4月份开始展开为期80天、全美10州的【处女首航全美巡回演唱会(Virgin Tour)】。 参与在费城举行的大型援助非洲接力演唱会【Band Aid】。1986 - “真实的忧郁(True Blue)”在全球狂销,金氏世界纪录以“空前绝后”来形容这张专辑受欢迎的程度。1987 - 展开其第一次的世界巡演——【那女孩是谁世界巡回演唱会(Who’s That Girl Tour)】。1988 - 参与百老汇舞台剧【Speed The Plow】演出。 1989 - “宛如祷者(Like A Prayer)”发行后,便缔造许多女艺人销售数字的新纪录。1990 - 举办第二次世界巡演——【金发雄心世界巡回演唱会(Blond Ambition Tour)】,全球共计56场演唱会,由Jean Paul Gaultier为她设计数款的木兰飞弹造型,成为服装界中的划时代创举。1991 ~ 2000年1991 - 在全球禁播的「Justify My Love」音乐录影带中激情演出,内容受各界抗议,不过其争议性却无形中成为免费的广告而使单曲录影带大卖。1992 - 自组华纳旗下子公司“Maverick”,开始以唱片公司老板的角色经营唱片市场,往后签下的艺人包括艾拉妮丝莫莉塞特(Alanis Morissette)、超凡乐团(Prodigy)等人。1993 - 展开第三度的世界巡回——【女子秀 (Girlie Show)】,演出国家跨越四大洲、历时3个月,共计40场。1994 - 获Spin杂志“1985~1995十大最重要艺人”第2名。1995 - 票选为全球五十大最受欢迎女星第1名。获颁VH1时尚奖之【最佳流行女艺人】奖。获颁美国告示牌“终身成就奖”。1996 - 1996年10月14日,女儿“小星星”罗荻丝(Lourdes Maria Ciccone Leon)诞生。1997 - 在环保专辑“Carnival”中献唱一首「Freedom」。名列美国“娱乐周报”百大最重要人物。1998 - “Ray Of Light”专辑的首周销售量逾7万张,破了全美专辑榜首周销量纪录。1999 - 获VH1时尚奖颁发“最佳流行艺人”及“凡赛斯奖”等奖项。英国Q杂志票选20世纪最伟大艺人,居女艺人第1名。2000 - 获美国“时人”杂志选出之“十大魅力女星”。首度以空降速度在“Music”专辑发行首周便夺下英美及全球数十国家专辑榜榜首。2001 ~ 2008年2001 - 首度於全英音乐奖夺下“最佳国际女歌手”殊荣。 展开八年来的首度世界巡演——【沉沦世界巡回演唱会(Drowned World Tour)】,从欧洲一路巡回到全美,刷新售票纪录。 「Ray Of Light」成为微软广告曲,第一张精选“The Immaculate Collection”在全美销售破千万。於11月全球发行“就是娜(GHV2)”精选。2002 - 为第二十部庞德系列影片【明日帝国】推出同名单曲「Die Another Day」,获告示牌单曲榜第八名,并获得金球奖的“最佳电影原创歌曲”提名。2003 - 4月22日发行第9张专辑“梦醒美国(American Life)”。 9月与布兰妮、克莉丝汀与蜜西艾莉特在MTV音乐录影带大奖合唱「Hollywood」,并与这两位后辈小天后女女舌吻,在媒体炒得沸沸扬扬。 同年秋天,为布兰妮的单曲「Me Against The Music」跨刀。 11月发行“神话再现迷你混音专辑(Remixed & Revisited)”,「Into The Groove」一曲成为美国知名品牌Gap广告歌曲,更成为品牌代言人。2004 - 5月24日起在欧洲、加拿大与欧洲展开为时四个月的【神话再现世界巡回演唱会(The Re-Invention


Madonna (born Madonna Louise Ciccone on August 16, 1958) is an American recording artist, actress and entrepreneur. Born in Bay City, Michigan, and raised in Rochester Hills, Michigan, she moved to New York City in 1977, for a career in modern dance. After performing as a member of the pop musical groups Breakfast Club and Emmy, she released her self-titled debut album Madonna in 1983 on Sire Records.A series of hit singles from her studio albums Like a Virgin (1984) and True Blue (1986) gained her global recognition, establishing her as a pop icon for pushing the boundaries of lyrical content in mainstream popular music and imagery in her music videos, which became a fixture on MTV. Her recognition was augmented by the film Desperately Seeking Susan (1985) which widely became seen as a Madonna vehicle, despite her not playing the lead. Expanding on the use of religious imagery with Like a Prayer (1989), Madonna received positive critical reception for her diverse musical productions, while at the same time receiving criticism from religious conservatives and the Vatican. In 1992, Madonna founded the Maverick corporation, a joint venture between herself and Time Warner. The same year, she expanded the use of sexually explicit material in her work, beginning the release of the studio album Erotica, followed by the publishing of the coffee table book Sex, and starring in the erotic thriller Body of Evidence, all of which received negative responses from conservatives and liberals alike.In 1996, Madonna played the starring role in the film Evita, for which she won the Golden Globe Award for Best Actress in a Musical or Comedy. Madonna’s seventh studio album Ray of Light (1998) became one of her most critically acclaimed, recognized for its lyrical depth. During the 2000s, Madonna released five studio albums, all of which reached top position on the Billboard 200. Departing from Warner Bros. Records, Madonna signed an unprecedented $120 million dollar contract with Live Nation in 2008.Madonna is ranked by the Recording Industry Association of America as the best-selling female rock artist of the 20th century and the second top-selling female artist in the U.S., with 63 million RIAA-certified albums; she has sold over 200 million albums worldwide. Considered to be one of the most influential women in contemporary music, Madonna has been known for continually reinventing both her music and image and for retaining a standard of autonomy within the recording industry; she is recognized as an influence among numerous music artists.


中文名:麦当娜 外文名:Madonna Louise Veronica Ciccone 别名:玛丹娜 国籍:美国 出生地:密歇根州特律海湾市 出生日期:1958年8月16日 职业:歌手 经纪公司:华纳兄弟唱片公司 代表作品:Like a Virgin,Ray of Light,《贝隆夫人》 主要成就:1996、1997奥斯卡最佳电影插曲 格莱美年度最佳专辑(1999) 


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所获荣誉 个人档案 历年巡演展开个人经历 大事记 个人作品 
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所获荣誉 个人档案 历年巡演展开




  Madonna Ciccone (Madonna Ciccone), August 16, 1958 was born in the United States Michigan Detroit, American singer, actor.

  In 1983, Madonna published the first album "Madonna" named after her. In 1984, Madonna’s second album, "Like A Virgin," was released, and then began her first tour. In January 1991, Madonna won the Best Dance Song Award at the 18th National Music Awards with a "VOGUE". In 1997, Madonna won the Golden Globe Award for Best Musical Actress. In April 2003, Madonna launched "American Life", published in September fairy tale "British Rose", published in November the second fairy tale "Mr. Peabody Apple." In March 2008, Madonna was selected for the American "Rock and Roll Hall of Fame". In January 2012, Madonna won the 69th Golden Globe Award for Best Film Original Song by "W.E".


  Madonna lives in a deviant belief in the Catholic family. Mother has a total of seven children, her childhood and youth life to shape her personality. At the age of 5, the mother passed away, the father and the mother of a shoulder up, so the child’s education is particularly severe. Father set a lot of life on the rules, but also provides a lot of punishment, in a structured life, created her habits of life in the future habits.

  According to the father’s wish, Madonna should have finished the university, and then when a lawyer, accountant and the like "legitimate occupation." But when she said she wanted to be a dancer, Dad expressed strong opposition. In 1977, Madonna took the dream of becoming a ballet dancer, came to New York, began to learn to dance.


  In 1983, Madonna was given a record book by Andy’s audition, which was favored by Seymour Stein, president of the future owner of Sire Records, and published his first album "Madonna" named after her.

  In 1984, Madonna’s second album, "Like a Virgin," was released, and then began her first tour. In the same year, Madonna and Rosa were starred in "mysterious dating" and participated in the "David Rabe’s Goose" and "Tom-Tom" stage performances.

  In 1985, Madonna in the first MTV awards ceremony with white underwear and "Boy Toy" metal waist ring shape singing "Like A Virgin", and in April the same year in the 80 days of the United States 10 states "Virgin Tour" concert The

  August 1986, Madonna’s third album "real melancholy" won the national album five weeks champion. In the same year, Madonna and Sean Pan co-starred in the thriller "Shanghai Jingqing".

  In 1987, Madonna held a film premiere at the New York Times Square and began his first world tour in Osaka, Japan, in June of the same year.

  In 1988, Madonna participated in the Broadway stage "Speed The Plow" performance, poor performance, Madonna later also regret that season’s performance.

  January 1991, Madonna in the 18th National Music Awards, with a "fashion" to win the most popular dance award.

  In 1992, Madonna self-organized Warner’s subsidiary "Maverick", began to record the role of the boss to operate the record market. The artists who later signed include Alanis Molly Seth, Olive and so on. And the publication from the album to the film and publishing industry.

  In 1995, Madonna’s "Take A Bow" to the Spanish southern town of Ronda shooting, because of bulls and environmentalists protested. Hold the pajamas party for the Bedtime Story singles. Vote for the world’s top fifty popular actress first. Won the VH1 Fashion Award "Best Pop Artist" award. Awarded the US Billboard Lifetime Achievement Award. In the same year began shooting several small cost production of the film, including "Blue in the Face" and "four rooms".

  In 1997, Madonna won the Golden Globe Award for Best Musical Actress.

  In 1999, Madonna won the VH1 Fashion Award awarded "Best Pop Artist" and "Vanessa Award" and other awards. She and honey Buddha cosmetics company, to become the spokesperson of its cosmetics. To Europe to shoot a new film a good thing in pairs, in a party to know the director Gary Qi, immediately fell into love. Two albums to pay tribute to Madonna, a total of thirty artists and groups cover their bestseller. Madonna won the British Q magazine vote for the twentieth century, the greatest artist, the first female artist, won the United States, "Time" magazine selected "ten charm actress."

  In April 2003, Madonna launched the "American Life", published in September fairy tale "British Rose", published in November the second fairy tale "Mr. Peabody’s apple."

  In May 2004, Madonna began to "rebirth" world tour, this is her sixth tour.

  In 2007, Madonna left Warner and Live Nation signed up to $ 120 million, up to 10 years of contract.

  In March 2008, Madonna was selected for the United States "Rock and Roll Hall of Fame", her achievements were recognized for life.

  In April 2008, Madonna released her new album "Hard Candy" at Warner’s last studio.

  In January 2012, Madonna won the 69th Golden Globe Award for Best Film Original Song by "W.E". In February of the same year, she presented the 46th NFC Super Bowl Finals midfielder.

  In March 2012, Madonna released the first album with Live Nation and Interscope Records as the record company, and also the 12th studio album "MDNA" of her career. The first week of the release of the US bulletin board album Champion throne. In the same year, Madonna held the MDNA tour world tour.

  November 20, 2013, Forbes magazine published the world’s most attractive music list, Madonna in June 2013 as of 1 year earned 125 million US dollars, ranked first in the list.

  In February 2015, Madonna presented the 35th session of the British Music Awards ceremony, singing accidental fall. In April, Madonna boarded the fashion magazine "Cosmo" 50 anniversary special issue cover.

  March 2, 2015, Madonna’s new song "Living For Love" in the British music charts ranked No. 26, so far she has a total of 71 singles shortlisted British pop music charts the top 40. In May, the album "Rebel Heart" second single "Ghosttown" boarded the top of the US bulletin board music list, became Madonna in the bulletin board music list on the 45th championship song. With this song the top dance list, it makes Madonna go beyond George Strait (George Strait) to become the history of the same list to win the highest number of singers.


本名:Madonna Ciccone   全名:Madonna Louise Veronica Ciccone  中文名:麦当娜 或 玛丹娜  中文全称:麦当娜·西科尼  生日:1958年8月16日  出生地:美国密西根州底特律海湾市   星座:狮子座眼睛颜色:绿色  自然发色:棕色  家庭成员:5位兄弟、2位姐妹  婚姻状况:离婚,於2000年下嫁导演Guy Ritchie 盖.里奇 导演 (2008年10月15日正式宣布离婚),目前育有1子、1女  最喜欢的食物:意大利&墨西哥料理  最喜欢的饮料:香槟&葡萄柚汁  最喜欢的颜色:青绿色  最喜欢的男演员:Jack Nicholson.  最喜欢的女演员:Marilyn Monroe.  最喜欢的电影:"Every Hitchchock film Ever Made".  最想做的事:征服全世界!
