
布鲁克大学官网 牛津 申请

布鲁克大学官网(亲们,拿到ACCAOBU学位 牛津布鲁克大学对出国申请有什么作用啊)

admin admin 发表于2023-12-02 22:55:06 浏览52 评论0


各位老铁们好,相信很多人对布鲁克大学官网都不是特别的了解,因此呢,今天就来为大家分享下关于布鲁克大学官网以及亲们,拿到ACCAOBU学位 牛津布鲁克大学对出国申请有什么作用啊的问题知识,还望可以帮助大家,解决大家的一些困惑,下面一起来看看吧!


亲们,拿到ACCAOBU学位 牛津布鲁克大学对出国申请有什么作用啊


在攻读 ACCA 会员资格证的同时,您可以申请的其他资格证书,不仅包括由牛津布鲁克斯大学 (Oxford Brookes University) 颁发的应用会计理科学士学位还有由伦敦大学 (University of London) 颁发的专业会计硕士学位。

举例说明:ACCA OBU学位证书到底是否有用? 很多正在学习ACCA的小伙伴都会考虑是否申请 OBU学位,申请学位有什么好处呢?认可度高 自ACCA和牛津布鲁克斯大学合作以来,申请该学位的人数每年呈“滚雪球”式递增。这充分证明了该学位证书的市场价值,它得到了市场的认可、得到了用人单位的青睐。 学历加分 对想要弥补学历上的欠缺的同学来说,考ACCA顺便拿下OBU学位可谓是一箭双雕。在求职过程中,海外学历总能博得雇主更多的青睐。不仅仅是海外学历意味着应聘者拥有更全面、先进的知识体系,还因为在获取海外学历的过程中培养了学生“搜集资料、筛选资料、分析资料” 等多方面的能力。ACCA凭着与牛津布鲁克斯大学的合作,补齐了学员在这方面的短板。如果你能通过学习ACCA获得OBU学位,雇主一定不会忽略你的这些能力。 留学跳板 如果你能拿到牛津布鲁克斯大学一等荣誉学位证书,你还可以直接进入重点大学,甚至还能享受奖学金。 国内认可程度基本及时楼上所说的,由于是国外学校的学位,所以国内教育部不能对证书做认定。


(一)、拿到的ACCA学位等级是要看F4到F9的平均分和论文成绩综合的,简单的说就是ACCA考试成绩平均68以上不论论文什么等级都能拿FIRST CLASS:

Class of Degree

68 or more A, B, C (First)

67 A, B (First) C (Upper Second)

66 A (First)B. C (Upper Second)

60-65 A, B, C (Upper Second)

59 A, B(Upper Second) C (Lower Second)

58 A(Upper Second) B, C (Lower Second)

54-57 A, B, C (Lower Second)

53 A, B (Lower Second)C (Third)

50-52 A, B, C (Third)

Average Mark is the average of Papers F4 to F9 excluding those papers where credit entry or internal assessment has taken place. ’A’, ’B’, or ’C’ refers to the grade given to the project.

无论论文什么成绩都只能拿Upper Second


1、如果你有读CAT,或者其它语言证书,比如雅思之类的。在通过全部F Level 之后,可以申请。

如果你直接读的ACCA,没有其它语言证明,那么,需要F4 在F7,89任何一颗通过之前通过。也有个别例子(F4 在F7,8,9之后通过,然后去ACCA申诉,最终成功获得申请牛津布鲁克斯大学文凭申请条件的同学)




The International Test of English Language Proficiency (ITELP) is a three hour, paper-based test that includes the following 5 sections:Structure of Written English (20 multiple choice questions) Structure of Oral English (20 multiple choice questions) Reading Comprehension (35 multiple choice questions) Aural Comprehension (35 multiple choice questions) Writing Composition 去布鲁克的官网上找吧 我跟你一样是1月4号去 我在官网上下的样题你去看看 找不到的话再联系我吧 我发给你


  • 一般都是提前5个月以上申请,尽量早点啦。5个月以内如果有名额剩余的,也继续接受申请

  • 这个分专业的,要看你选择什么样的专业,一般的情况都是明年年初2,3月份左右!建议你去他们的官网具体查看!

  • 通常都是2013年的2月左右

  • 您好,具体截止日期不但是分专业的,还分该年份报考的人数,详细请登录启德学府,竭诚为您解答


  • 不知道是哥们还是姐们呢?你在这等答案还不如去海翔问问呢,专业还可靠,一个电话就解决的事儿,干嘛还在这苦等呢,你说是吧嘿嘿……

  • 你可以去海翔咨询下,我出国前在他们那办的留学,没签约之前也是一有问题就找他们,那边老师人还是很Nice的也很专业


  • 加拿大的学校不了解,如果你想学MBA的话,我觉得美国的可能好一些。拉文大学在我家附近,MBA方面我不推荐,给你推荐一个同档的大学MBA方面好的学校:Chapman。你可以到官网上去看看。

  • 加拿大布鲁克大学不错的。商学院是加拿大唯一9所通过美国国际管理教育联合会认证的。其他两所我不是很了解


  • 国外大学所以总的来说布鲁克大学是正规大学,他相对有点优势的也就商科方面,其他就不怎么好了!


本贴主要收录了加拿大主要大学(排名不分先后,按省份归类)关于教育学硕士(Master of Education, Master of Arts in education)的信息(含学校官方网址),包括教育学分支选择,GPA和语言要求。供有意申请or了解加拿大教育学的申请人参考!





80% (Project 211 or 985universities only) 211或者985大学至少80%

85% (all other universitiesin China) 非211和985大学至少85%


University of Alberta阿尔伯塔大学

Educational Policy Studies

Entrance Requirements


  • GPA:3.0/4.0

  • TOEFL:93 (internet-based) with a minimum of 24 on the Speaking and Writing

  • IELTS:6.5 with a minimum score of 6.5on each band

  • Educational Psychology in

  • PsychologicalStudies in Education

  • CounsellingPsychology

  • Measurement,Evaluation and Cognition

  • SpecialEducation

  • Schooland Clinical Child Psychology

  • SchoolCounselling

  • TeachingEnglish as a Second Language

  • Technologyin Education Specialization

  • HealthSciences Education

  • Prospective Graduate Students


  • GPA:3.0/4.0

  • TOEFL:93with a score of at least 24 on speaking and writing, and 20 on reading andlistening

  • IELTS:IELTSscore of 7 with no band less than 6.5

  • ***Students are NOT required to complete the GRE foradmission purposes.


    Apply to the Program


  • GPA:3.0/4.0

  • Two years of teaching experience

  • TOEFL:93with a score of at least 24 on speaking and writing and 20 on reading andlistening

  • IELTS:Overallscore of 6.5 with a minimum score of 6.5 on each band

  • University of Lethbridge

    M.Ed. (General)Multiple Literacies in Canadian Classrooms

    M.Ed. (EducationalLeadership)

    M.Ed. (CounsellingPsychology)

    Future Faculty of Education Graduate Students


  • GPA:3.0

  • TOEFL:93

  • IELTS:overall score of6.5, and a minimum of 5.5 in each band

  • ***Approximately two years of successful teaching orother relevant educational experience.

    Additional admission requirements

    Counselling Psychology

  • Relevancy of undergraduate degree (preference for degrees in Education or Psychology followed by degrees in Social Work or Nursing).

  • Breadthof undergraduate courses in counselling, educational psychology or psychology.Particular emphasis is paid to courses in human development, personality,psychology of learning, and counselling skills.

  • Relevant work and/or volunteer experience. Preference is given to applicants who have two or more years of teaching and/or counselling experience. Volunteer experience in counselling settings is also desirable.

  • Educational Leadership

  • Related experience. Preference is given to applicants who have leadership experience and/or demonstrated leadership potential.


    Simon Fraser University西蒙飞沙大学

    Faculty of Education每年开放的Program不太一样,具体program可以参考官网

    Simon Fraser University


  • ArtsEducation MA, M.Ed.

  • CounsellingPsychology, MA, M.Ed.

  • Curriculum& Instruction Foundations M.Ed.

  • EducationalPsychology MA, M.Ed.

  • EducationalTechnology and Learning Design MA, M.Ed.

  • SecondaryMathematics Education M.Sc., M.Ed.

  • TeachingEnglish as an Additional Language MA, M.Ed

  • 申请要求:

  • MinimumOverall Academic Standing

  • 80% (Project 211 or 985 universitiesonly)

  • 85% (all other universities in China)

  • IELTS:7.0with a minimum of 6.5 in each section

  • TOEFL:93with minimum of 20 in each category

  • UBC英属哥伦比亚大学

    Programs | Faculty of Education


    Adult Learning and Education (MED)

    Adult Learning and Global Change (MED)

    Art Education (MA, MED)

    Counselling Psychology (MA, MED)

    Cross-Faculty Inquiry in Education (MED)

    Curriculum and Leadership (MED)

    Curriculum Studies (MA, MED)

    Early Childhood Education (MA, MED)

    Education Technology (MET)

    Educational Administration and Leadership

    Educational Studies (MA, MED)

    Higher Education (MED)

    Home Economics Education (MA, MED)

    Human Development, Learning, and Culture (MA, MED)

    Kinesiology (MA, MED)

    Literacy Education (MA, MED)

    Mathematics Education (MA, MED)

    Measurement, Evaluation and Research Methodology (MA, MED)

    Media and Technology Studies Education (MA, MED)

    Modern Languages Education (MA, MED)

    Museum Education (MED)

    Music Education (MA, MED)

    Physical Education (MA, MED)

    School Psychology (MA, MED)

    Science Education (MA, MED)

    Social Studies Education (MA, MED)

    Social Studies Education (MED)

    Society, Culture and Politics in Education(MED)

    Special Education (MA, MED)

    Teaching English as a Second Language (MA, MED)

    Technology Studies Education (MED)

    University of Victoria维多利亚大学


    Master’s programs

  • CounsellingPsychology

  • Masterof Arts (project-based or thesis based)

  • IndigenousCommunities Counselling program

  • Educational Psychology

  • Special Education (MEd, MA)

  • Learning and Development (MEd, MA)

  • LeadershipStudies

  • Educational Administration and Leadership

  • Adult Education and Community Engagement

  • Curriculum &Instruction MA/MEd

    Graduate programs

  • Artseducation

  • Curriculumstudies

  • EarlyChildhood Education

  • Language& Literacy

  • Mathematics,Science, Social Studies, Educational Technology

  • 申请要求

  • Minimum grade point average of"B" on the last 30 units (2 years) of undergraduate work, and some programs require two years’ successful relevant professional experience.

  • TOEFL:90 with the following minimum section requirements: Listening 20; Speaking 20;Reading 20; Writing 20

  • IELTS:Aminimum Overall Band Score of 6.5, with no score of less than 6.0 on each

  • Thompson River University汤姆逊河大学

    Master ofEducation

    Master of Education


  • GPA of 3.00 on a scale of 4.33

  • TOEFL(IBT):88 with no section below 20

  • IELTS:6.5 with no bands below 6.5

  • GPA低于3.0但高于2.5的可以考虑Graduate Certificate in Educational Studies,要求如下:

  • GPA2.50

  • IELTS— 5.5 minimum Or complete ESAL courses tolevel 0400(学校语言课程)

  • Vancouver Island University温哥华岛大学

    Master ofEducation in Educational Leadership

    Master of Education in Educational Leadership

    Master of Educationin Special Education

    Master of Education in Special Education


  • teachingexperience (two years preferred)

  • acumulative grade point average of "B" in the final two years

  • TOEFLIBT 88 with no sections under 20, or IELTS 6.5 with no band under 6.0

  • 费用:Full Program Tuition$24,981


    University of Manitoba曼尼托巴大学

    Master ofEducation

    University of Manitoba - Graduate Studies -

  • Curriculum,Teaching and Learning

  • EducationalAdministration, Foundations & Psychology

  • 申请要求:

  • GPAof 3.0 (B or equivalent) in the last two full years (60 credit hours) of study

  • TOEFL:86minimum score of 20 in each

  • IELTS:6.5

  • Two or more years of teaching or appropriate work experience

  • Brandon University布兰登大学

    Master of Education

    Education Graduate Studies | Brandon University

  • SpecialEducation

  • Guidance& Counselling

  • EducationAdministration

  • Curriculumand Pedagogy

  • 申请要求:

  • A B.Ed. Degree (明确要求了本科要是教育学哦)

  • A valid teaching certificate(有效的教师资格证)

  • a minimum two years of teaching experience

  • GPA:3.0

  • TOEFL:92 or IELTS:7

  • 新不伦瑞克(英语:New Brunswick

    University of New Brunswick纽布伦斯威克大学

    Master ofEducation

    Graduate Studies | Programs | Education | UNB

    · AdultEducation

    · Counselling

    · CriticalStudies in Education

    · CurriculumStudies

    · EducationalAdministration and Leadership

    · ExceptionalLearners

    · InstructionalDesign


  • GPAof 3.0 (B)

  • TOEFL:Minimum score of 80) including the Test of Written English - TWE (minimum score of 25)

  • IELTS:Minimumscore of band 7

  • at least 1-2 years of relevant teaching or related professional experience


    Memorial University of Newfoundland纽芬兰纪念大学

    Master of Education

    Graduate Studies

  • Educational LeadershipStudies

  • Curriculum, Teachingand Learning Studies

  • Counselling Psychology

  • 申请要求:

  • GPA:70%average in last 30 attempted courses

  • TOEFL:80or higher

  • IELTS:6.5or higher

  • 安大略ONTARIO

    Brock University布鲁克大学

    Master ofEducation

  • Administrationand Leadership in Education

  • Socialand Cultural Contexts in Education

  • Teaching,Learning, and Development

  • Admission Information


  • GPA:本科最后两年minimum75% (Brock University equivalent)

  • TOEFL:88with no section under 20

  • IELTS:7.0with no section under 6.0

  • Successfulteaching or other professional experience is an asset

  • Master of Education - International Student Program (MEd - ISP)

  • Administration& Leadership

  • Teaching,Learning & Development

  • Master of Education - International Student Program (MEd - ISP)


  • GPA:overall Grade Point Average Brock equivalent of 75%

  • TOEFL:80

  • IELTS:6.5

  • Professional work experience is a valuable asset but not necessary.

  • ***因为很多人问到,所以这里特别说明一下。常规MED和国际生MED毕业时候拿到的是一毛一样的学位证书。这个在学校的官网上有标注。区别就是ISP都是国际学生,但国际生不仅仅是中国学生;常规项目是九月开课,ISP是七月开课(因为有个短期的预备课程);常规项目要求雅思7分,国际生项目雅思要求6.5分。

    University of Windsor温莎大学

    Master ofEducation

    Masters Program

  • Curriculum Studies

  • Educational Administration

  • Second Language Acquisition, Culture and Society

  • 申请要求:

  • GPA:B range overall and at least a B standing in the last twoyears

  • at least one year of successful professional experience in education

  • IELTS:7.0(or above) in three of the four areas of reading, writing, listening and speaking,with the other being no lower than 6.5.

  • Master of Education-CEPE

    Admission Requirements

  • Curriculum

  • Educational Administration

  • Language Acquisition, Culture and Society

  • 申请要求:

  • GPA 70% and at least a 70% average in the last two years of your academic studies(when converted to Ontario standards)

  • 7.0 score in the IELTS test or a TOEFL score of 100 (ibt)

  • P.S. 温莎的MED也regular和CEPE(Centre for Executive and Professional Education). 申请要求上看,regular要比CEPE的项目要严格一下,有一年专业工作经验的要求,并且同样是雅思7分的要求,regular要求单项不低于6.5.

    University of Toronto多伦多大学

    Master ofEducation

    Ontario Institute for Studies in Education of the University of Toronto

    Department ofApplied Psychology and Human Development

    § CounsellingPsychology

    § DevelopmentalPsychology and Education

    Department ofCurriculum, Teaching and Learning

    § CurriculumStudies and Teacher Development

    § Languageand Literacies Education

    Department ofLeadership, Higher and Adult Education

    § AdultEducation and Community Development

    § EducationalLeadership and Policy

    § HigherEducation

    Department ofSocial Justice Education

    § SocialJustice Education


  • GPA:mid-Bequivalent: 80-82%

  • TOEFL:93 is required (with a minimum score of 22 for both the writing and speaking components)

  • IELTS:7.0(Academic)with at least 6.5 for each component

  • University of Ottawa渥太华大学

    Master of ArtsEducation

    § in Counselling Psychology

    Master of Arts Education Concentration in Counselling Psychology

    § in Health Professions Education

    Master of Arts Education Concentration in Health Professions Education

    § in Leadership, Evaluation, Curriculum andPolicy Studies

    Master of Arts Education Concentration in Leadership, Evaluation, Curriculum and Policy Studies

    § in Societies, Cultures and Languages

    Master of Arts Education Concentration in Societies, Cultures and Languages

    § Studies in Teaching and Learning

    Master of Arts Education Concentration in Studies in Teaching and Learning

    § in Women’s Studies

    Master of Arts Education Specialization in Women’s Studies

    Master ofEducation Concentration

    § in Counselling Psychology

    Master of Education Concentration in Counselling Psychology

    § in Health Professions Education

    Master of Education Concentration in Health Professions Education

    § in Leadership, Evaluation, Curriculum andPolicy Studies

    Master of Education Concentration in Leadership, Evaluation, Curriculum and Policy Studies

    § in Societies, Cultures and Languages

    Master of Education Concentration in Societies, Cultures and Languages

    § in Studies in Teaching and Learning

    Master of Education Concentration in Studies in Teaching and Learning


  • overallundergraduate average of 70% (B)

  • TOEFL:100,min. score of 25 writing

  • IELTS:7overall, min. score of 7 in 3 individual tests and 6 in fourth test

  • ***一些专业对于没有教育学本科学位的申请人要求补休一些课程

    York University约克大学

    Master ofEducation – Language, Culture & Teaching

    Education - Language, Culture & Teaching


  • GPA:80%

  • TOEFL:100

  • IELTS:7.5

  • Ryerson University瑞尔森大学

    Master of Arts inEarly Childhood Studies (MA)

    Ryerson University


    A four-year honours Bachelor’s degree from a recognized institution with aminimum B grade point average (GPA) in: Early Childhood Education/ Political Science/ Disability Studies/ Social Work/ Child Development/ Psychology/ Childand Youth Care/ Sociology


    96-100%=A+ 80-82%=B90-95% =A 75-79%=B-87-89% =A- 60-74%=C, D83-86=B+

  • TOEFL:93

  • IELTS:7

  • Western University韦斯顿大学

    Master of Arts inEducation Studies

    Master of Arts inCounselling Psychology

    - Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies


    GPA:Minimum" standing (70%) orequivalent in the final two years of study

    TOEFL:86 with no individual score below 20

    IELTS:An overall of score of 6.5 with noindividual score lower than 6


    Queen’s University皇后大学

    Master of Education

    Faculty of Education

    § CurriculumTheorizing

    § EducationalStudies

    § Literacyand Cognition

    § LiteracyEducation

    § SpecialEducation


  • professional experience, a B.Ed. degree or its equivalent, and a minimum of a B- (70-72.9%)average in a Bachelor’s degree or its equivalent, or

  • two years professional or industrial experience, and a minimum of a B- average in aBachelor’s Honours degree or its equivalent, or

  • a B.Ed. degree, and a minimum of a mid-B (73-76.9%) average in a Bachelor’sdegree or its equivalent

  • TOEFL 88, made up of the minimum scores in each component test as follows:

  • Writing test: 24/30

    Speaking test: 22/30

    Reading test: 22/30

    Listening test: 20/30

  • IELTS: 7 (minimum score, academic module)

  • Lakehead University湖首大学

    Lakehead University

    Master of Education (MEd)

    Master of Education (MEd): Education for Change

    Master of Education (MEd) with Specialization inGerontology

    Master of Education (MEd) with Specialization in Women’sStudies


  • An acceptable three year or four year Bachelor’s degree and Bachelor of Educationor equivalent, each with at least a second class standing (B) OR Two years professional experienceand a minimum "B" average in a four-year Bachelor’s degree orequivalent

  • (TOEFL)with a minimum score of 100


    University ofSaskatchewan萨省大学

    EducationalAdministration M.Ed.

    Educational Administration

  • Two or more years of successful teaching experience

  • EducationalPsychology and Special Education M.Ed.

    Educational Psychology and Special Education

    a. Schooland Counselling Psychology

  • Atleast one year of successful work experience in a human services field

  • this program requires specific courses from your undergraduate degree

  • b. EducationalPsychology and Special Education

    EducationalFoundations M.Ed.

    Educational Foundations

    EducationalTechnology and Design M.Ed.

    Educational Technology and Design

    Curriculum StudiesM.Ed.


  • GPA:73%(U of S grade system equivalent) in the last two years of study (e.g. 60 creditunits)

  • TOEFL80 with minimum scores of 20 in each area

  • IELTS Overall score of 6.5 with no score below 6.5 in each area

  • University ofRegina里贾纳大学

    Master’s Degree Programs

    Master of Educational Administration (MEd EADM)

    Master of Educational Psychology (MEd EPSY)

    Master of Curriculum and Instruction (MEd EC&I)

    Master of Adult Education (MAEd)

    Master of Human Resource Development (MHRD)

    Maîtrise en éducation française

    Master of Indigenous Education (MIED)


  • the applicant must have a four-year degree applicable to the program (normally aBEd, BHRD, or BAEd, or equivalent);

  • at least two years of teaching or other relevant professional experience;

  • a minimum grade point average of 70%.

  • TOEFL 80 with a minimum of 20 in each of the four components

  • IELTS 6.5 with a minimum of 6.0 in each band

  • 魁北克QUEBEC


    Educational Studies(MA)

    Option A: MA without thesis

    Option B: MA with thesis



  • a minimum GPA of 3.00 (B average)

  • havea minimum of two years professional activity in education or an undergraduaterecord which includes at least three courses in education, each with a grade ofB or better.

  • EducationalTechnology (MA)


    Master of/Magisteriate in Arts with Thesis (Option A)

    Master of/Magisteriate in Arts without Thesis (Option B)


  • Anaverage of at least a B in the major or equivalent

  • Aninterview may be required.

  • TOEFLiBT results of 90+ with no part under 20

  • IELTSscore of 6.5+ with no part under 6.5

  • McGill University麦吉尔大学


  • Educational Leadership

  • Education& Society

  • Second Language Education

  • https://www.mcgill.ca/dise/grad




    Professional/Internship(non-thesis) concentration

    Project(non-thesis) concentration

    School/AppliedChild Psychology

    Research Project(non-thesis)

    EducationalPsychology Program

    Health Professions Education concentration

    Human Development concentration

    Learning Sciences concentration




    Course-based concentrations:

    General Educational Psychology (non-thesis)

    Inclusive Education (non-thesis)

    Learning Sciences(non-thesis)

    Research-based concentrations:

    General Educational Psychology Project (non-thesis)

    Inclusive Education Project (non-thesis)


  • TOEFL86 overall, no less than 20 in each of the four component scores

  • IELTS6.5 or greater (Academic module)

  • 每个分支的要求略有不同

    MED的GPA要求大概为CGPA:A minimum CGPA of 3.0 out of 4.0 in undergraduate studies is expected. Pleasebe aware that a CGPA of 3.0 is a minimum requirement only and does notguarantee acceptance.

    MA的GPA要求大概为Allcandidates must have a minimum CGPA of 3.2 out of 4.0 over the final two yearsof full-time study. This CGPA requirement, along with the successful completionof a Bachelor’s degree, is a minimum requirement only and does not guaranteeacceptance. The average CGPA of all students admitted into the MA inCounselling Psychology in past years has averaged 3.65-3.70 out of 4.0.

关于本次布鲁克大学官网和亲们,拿到ACCAOBU学位 牛津布鲁克大学对出国申请有什么作用啊的问题分享到这里就结束了,如果解决了您的问题,我们非常高兴。
