
london boy歌词

london boy歌词(求london boy-Harlem Desire歌词)

admin admin 发表于2023-12-04 17:38:31 浏览40 评论0


大家好,今天小编来为大家解答以下的问题,关于london boy歌词,求london boy-Harlem Desire歌词这个很多人还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!


求london boy-Harlem Desire歌词

Harlem Desire Lyrics New York, can take your life"big apple" makes you pay the priceIn New York, yeah, yeah,Walk down the avenueMight as well be on the moonIn New York, yeah, yeahOh, look out!There’s trouble in the darkLook out!The trail of the sharkIn New York, yeah, yeahOh, look out!They know all the tricksLook out!Better make it quickYou hear them laughing right behind you:Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha haHarlem desire!Let our childrun play with toys’n no more guns for little boysThis is my harlem desire!Just one night of peaceful sleepAnd no more fighting in the streets, yeahHa ha ha ha Harlem!In: ha ha ha ha Harlem!In: ha ha ha ha Harlem!In: ha ha ha ha Harlem!Candy’s kinda neatBut "sugar-hill" is bitter sweetIn New York, yeah, yeahSo you cry out, ’n never leave’cause Harlem road’s a oneway-streetIn New York, yeah, yeah

danny boy - declan galbraith 的中英文歌词

爱尔兰民谣——丹尼男孩Danny boyOh Danny boy, the pipes, the pipes are callingFrom glen to glen, and down the mountain sideThe summer’’s gone, and all the roses are dying’’Tis you, ’’tis you must go and I must bideBut come you back when summer’’s in the meadowOr when the valley’’s hushed and white with snow’’Tis I’’ll be there in sunshine or in shadowOh Danny boy, oh Danny boy, I love you soAnd if you come, when all the roses are dyingAnd I am dead, as dead I well may beYou’’ll come and find the place where I am lyingAnd kneel and say an "Ave" there for meAnd I shall hear, tho’’ soft you tread above meAnd all my dreams will warm and sweeter beIf you’’ll not fail to tell me that you love meI simply sleep in peace until you come to me哦,丹尼男孩,笛声在声声呼唤着你,就在山那边的座座深谷中,夏天已经消逝了,玫瑰花都已凋零,因此,因此你必须离去了,和我道别吧。但是当那夏日重回牧场,你又该再次回来,或者白雪充满寂静的山谷之时,无论在阳光下还是阴影里,我都会在此等待,哦,丹尼男孩,哦,丹尼男孩,我多么深爱你!如果你在玫瑰凋零时才来,如果我已死去,正如我所期待的那样,你将来这里,找到我的长眠之所,跪下为我轻声祷告。我会听见你的声音,就在你轻轻踏在我的坟墓上时,我的幻梦将永远温暖,永远甜蜜,如果你坚持着说你爱我,那就当我只是在安睡着等你到来。

小野丽莎的《Danny Boy》 歌词

歌曲名:Danny Boy歌手:小野丽莎专辑:美丽时光小野丽莎 - Danny Boyby 猪头家族 - 龟速小子Oh Danny boy, the pipes, the pipes are callingFrom glen to glen, and down the mountain sideThe summer’s gone, and all the flowers are dying’Tis you, ’tis you must go and I must bide.But come ye back when summer’s in the meadowOr when the valley’s hushed and white with snow’Tis I’ll be here in sunshine or in shadowOh Danny boy, Danny boy, I love you so.And if you come, when all the flowers are dyingAnd I am dead, as dead I well may beYou’ll come and find the place where I am lyingAnd kneel and say an "Ave" there for me.And I shall hear, tho’ soft you tread above meAnd all my dreams will warm and sweeter beIf you’ll not fail to tell me that you love meI’ll simply sleep in peace until you come to me.I’ll simply sleep in peace until you come to me.I’ll simply sleep in peace until you come to me.http://music.baidu.com/song/235160

Lena Philipssom的《Boy》 歌词

歌曲名:Boy歌手:Lena Philipssom专辑:100% Lena PhilipssonBoy 今(いま)でも 初(はじ)めてキス(Kiss)を交(か)わしたあの日(ひ)を忆(おぼ)えてる? 夜更(よふ)けの静(しず)けさをBoy 今(いま)なら 私(わたし)の他(ほか)にもあなたを大切(たいせつ)だという best friendsいるけど 忘(わす)れないで本当(ほんとう)の爱(あい)は いついつまでも绝(た)えることはなく… そう でもね“爱(あい)している”と言叶(ことば)にすれば嘘(うそ)になる样(よう)な気(き)がしてBoy いつでも 大好(だいす)きな笑颜(えがお)を见(み)せて都会(とかい)の小(ちい)さな彼(かれ)は まるで soldier疲(つか)れた时(とき)は 何(なに)も言(い)わずにそっと抱(だ)きしめてあげたい人(ひと)が言(い)う程(ほど) 强(つよ)くないよねわかってるから with you疲(つか)れた时(とき)は 何(なに)も言(い)わずにそっと抱(だ)きしめてあげたい人(ひと)が言(い)う程(ほど) 强(つよ)くないよねLove is always on your side foreverhttp://music.baidu.com/song/8258356

求london boy-harlem desire歌词,要全的

Harlem Desire Lyrics New York, can take your life"big apple" makes you pay the priceIn New York, yeah, yeah,Walk down the avenueMight as well be on the moonIn New York, yeah, yeahOh, look out!There’s trouble in the darkLook out!The trail of the sharkIn New York, yeah, yeahOh, look out!They know all the tricksLook out!Better make it quickYou hear them laughing right behind you:Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha haHarlem desire!Let our childrun play with toys’n no more guns for little boysThis is my harlem desire!Just one night of peaceful sleepAnd no more fighting in the streets, yeahHa ha ha ha Harlem!In: ha ha ha ha Harlem!In: ha ha ha ha Harlem!In: ha ha ha ha Harlem!Candy’s kinda neatBut "sugar-hill" is bitter sweetIn New York, yeah, yeahSo you cry out, ’n never leave’cause Harlem road’s a oneway-streetIn New York, yeah, yeah


BoysFor whatever reasonI feel like I´ve been wanting you all my lifeBut you don´t understandI´m so glad we´re at the same place at the same timeIts over now.I spotted you dancin´You made all the girls stareThose lips and your brown eyes ( oo)And the sexy hair.I shake/should shake my thingI make the world want youTell your boys you´ll be backI wanna see what you can do.What would it take for you to just leave with me (Uh uh)Not trying to sound conceited but me and you were meant to be (yeah yeah)You´re a sexy guy, (Uh) I´m a nice girl. (don´t you know?)Lets turn this dance floor into our own little nasty world. (yeah)BoysSometimes a girl just needs one (you know I need you)BoysTo love her and to hold (I just want you to touch me)BoysWhen a girl is with one (mm mmm) BoysThen she´s in control (yeah)Pick a boy off the dance floor.Screamin in his ear. Must of said somethin´ bout me (what you said?)Cuz he´s loookin over here中文歌词不懂为何,我觉得这一生我想要你你不会了解的 我很高兴我们同时出现在相同的地方哈~现在已成往事我看到你在跳舞让所有的女孩都凝视你的唇你的棕色双眼(喔)性感的发丝我摇晃 我摇晃我的身体我让全世界都想要你 (嘻嘻)告诉你的男孩们你会再回来我只想要看看你会做些什麼(哈)该怎麼做才能让你跟我离开?(啊哈)我并不是在炫燿,但我和你是天生一对(ㄝㄝ)你是个性感男孩(啊)我是个好女孩(难道你不知道?)让我们将这舞池变化成属於我们的小小爱爱世界(ㄝ)男孩有时一个女孩需要一个人来爱她、拥有她(你知道我需要你) (我只想要你爱抚我)男孩当一个女孩已拥有一个人,她会主导一切(恩恩)(ㄝ)在舞池中挑一个男孩在他耳边大声嚷嚷,他一定说了有关我的事(你说了什麼?)因他看过来(呜)你在看我吗?(嘻嘻)用那个性感的态度当你们男孩移动的的方式(啊)让我深陷那种心情(ㄝ)哦该怎麼做才能让你跟我离开?(啊哈)我并不是在炫燿,但我和你是天生一对(ㄝㄝ)你是个性感的男孩(啊)我是个好女孩(难道你不知道?)让我们将这舞池变化成属於我们的小小爱爱世界(ㄝ)(我们来了)今晚让我们没害怕的飞翔吧男孩 (没有害怕)时间可贵 (你还在等什麼?)下周你可能不会在这边遇到我(啊啊)所以男孩快展开行动 (让我看看你会做什麼)(哦)男孩有时一个女孩需要一个人爱她、拥有她(喔耶) (来来来 耍坏)男孩当一个女孩已拥有一个人,她就会主导一切(耍坏)(恩恩)无法跟他们生活 生活无法没有他们

danny boy歌词

Danny boy《丹尼少年》歌词  Oh Danny boy, the pipes, the pipes are calling   From glen to glen, and down the mountain side   The summer’s gone, and all the flowers are dying   T’is you, T’is you must go and I must bide.   But come ye back when summer’s in the meadow   Or when the valley’s hushed and white with snow   t’is I’ll be here in sunshine or in shadow   Oh Danny boy, oh Danny boy, I love you so.   And when ye come, and all the flow’rs are dying   If I am dead, as dead I well may be   ye’ll come and find the place where I am lying   And kneel and say an "Ave" there for me.   And I shall hear, tho’ soft you tread above me   And oh, my grave shall warmer, sweeter be   For ye will bend and tell me that you love me   And I shall sleep in peace until you come to me.   And I shall sleep in peace until you come to me.   翻译:   一·李敖先生翻译(李敖把它翻译成中文《墓中人语》):   哦,Danny Boy,   当风笛呼唤,幽谷成排,   当夏日已尽,玫瑰难怀。   你,你天涯远引,   而我,我在此长埋。   当草原尽夏,   当雪地全白。   任晴空万里,   任四处阴霾。   哦,Danny Boy,   我如此爱你,等你徘徊。   哦,说你爱我,你将前来,   纵逝者如斯,   死者初裁。   谢皇天后土,   在荒坟冢上,   请把我找到,找到,   寻我遗骸。   即令你足音轻轻,在我上面,   整个我孤坟感应,甜蜜温暖,   你俯身向前,诉说情爱,   我将死于安乐,直到与你同在。   二·传统翻译:   噢!丹尼少年,笛声正在召唤   从山谷间到山的另一边   夏沆已走远,花儿都已枯萎   你得离去,而我得等待   但你回来了,当夏沆回到草原上的时候   或是当山谷沉静下来,因雪而白了头的时候   我一定会去那儿,不论是阳光普照或阴影覆盖   噢!丹尼少年,我是多麽的爱你   如果你在百花凋谢的时候前来   而我已经死去,死的很安详   你会前来,找到我长眠之地   跪下来和我说"再见"   我会倾听,虽然你轻柔的踩在我上面   我的梦将会更温暖而甜蜜   如果你真的对我说你爱我   我会在平静中安息,直到你来我身边
