
托福口语范文80 篇 托福

托福口语范文80 篇(新托福口语Task2解析:应该65岁退休吗)

admin admin 发表于2023-12-06 09:47:20 浏览46 评论0


其实托福口语范文80 篇的问题并不复杂,但是又很多的朋友都不太了解新托福口语Task2解析:应该65岁退休吗,因此呢,今天小编就来为大家分享托福口语范文80 篇的一些知识,希望可以帮助到大家,下面我们一起来看看这个问题的分析吧!



托福口语范文一: 不同意的观点I disagree with the statement and I think whether people should retire depends on their own. For those who have been devoted to their career and still feel energetic and passionate towards their career, even though they turn to 65 years old, can still be given chances to do what they love. Take Mike, a current colleague, as an example. Though he is older than 65years ago and retired from his previous company, he still chooses to be hired again as an English teacher since he cannot stop sharing his life experience and knowledge with others. Besides, for those who have already felt tired after working many years should also be given a choice to live a life they wish, like staying at home or traveling across the country or just accompanying their grandchildren.托福口语范文二: 同意的观点I agree with the idea people can retire at the age of 65.On one hand, nowadays people can be healthier than that in the past when they are at the age of 65. According to a health survey done by the health authority in my city last year, over 80 percentage of the citizens in my city are less likely to get severe diseases when they are over 60 or 65, so they can do their jobs happily and healthily.On the other hand, for some occupations people can be highly productive when they are getting old, such as professors, doctors, scientists, editors and so on. At the age of the sixties, they may achieve many honors or publish many works. If they retire at a young age, it’s really a pity




Task 1Describe a time when an impolite behavior in public annoyed you, and describe why you were annoyed.Task1Sometimes people behave impolitely in public. Describe a time when an impolite behavior annoyed you. Explain why you were annoyed.T1 Sometimes people behave impolitely in public. Describe a time when an impolite behavior annoyed you. Explain why you were annoyed.托福口语范文一:范例I’m sure that this happens to lots of you, say, you are watching a movie in a cinema with your friends, and there’s usually someone that keeps talking all the way with whole lotta spoilers, especially at the critical moments of the movie, or texting and tapping on their cells with ringtones and incoming calls on end. I couldn’t tell you how dreadful it was that last time I went to see The Dallas Buyers Club, a film I had been longing for for long, but everything just got screwed up as there were chatterboxes all around me, and I could barely hear a word from Matthew McConaughey, the Ron Woodroof in the state of lone star. Tell you what, I couldn’t even make it till the end but stepped out of the cinema, feeling so blue.托福口语范文二:Sample response:I’d like to talk about an annoying thing took place in the hospital half a year ago. It was a cold winter morning, I got up very early to check in at the hospital for my sick father. Many people were standing in the line waiting for their turns anxiously. Suddenly, a young guy jumped the queue in front of me without saying anything. I was annoyed and stopped this impolite behavior from happening. But he shouted at me rudely, “Shut up!I do like jumping queues.It’s none of your business!”Many people in the hospital were disturbed by his loud and rude voice. We all stared at him angrily.Finally, he left without apologizing. It still makes me mad whenever I think of that guy’s disgusting behavior. So it ‘s really important to behave politely in public. Uncivilized behavior in public places causes trouble to others.托福口语范文三:范例I’m sure that this happens to lots of you, say, you are watching a movie in a cinema with your friends, and there’s usually someone that keeps talking all the way with whole lotta spoilers, especially at the critical moments of the movie, or texting and tapping on their cells with ringtones and incoming calls on end. I couldn’t tell you how dreadful it was that last time I went to see The Dallas Buyers Club, a film I had been longing for for long, but everything just got screwed up as there were chatterboxes all around me, and I could barely hear a word from Matthew McConaughey, the Ron Woodroof in the state of lone star. Tell you what, I couldn’t even make it till the end but stepped out of the cinema, feeling so blue.托福口语范文四:2016年6月25日托福独立口语Task 1 :Sometimes people behave impolitely in public. Describe a time when an impolite behavior annoyed you. Explain why you were annoyed.Well, on the top of my head, I would like to talk about my experience in Starbucks about a week ago. I was sitting by the window, sipping my latte and enjoying my novel. At this point, a guy was talking very loudly on the phone. His voice was so loud that basically everyone in the coffee shop was kind of annoyed. The customers actually went to the shop to consume not just the coffee but also the quiet environment. They read books or do their work there, if it is very disruptive, it might ruin their day. So, I think this kind of behavior is very annoying and it should be avoided.托福口语范文五:In my opinion, discussion during the movie is really annoying and impolite. Coz the cinema is a public space, and the process of watching a movie is private, we need a quite environment to get totally involved in the plots and perhaps relate to our own life; any discussion will be extremely unwelcome and disturbing. Like last week, I went to the theatre to watch the newly released blockbuster, Warcraft, two girls sitting besides me were constantly making noises, talking, eating popcorn and even giggling, other audience including me were extremely offended, we tried to stop them but failed. Eventually, they were forced to leave, but our precious watching experience was totally ruined!


  托福口语参考范文:  Tips  1. Good listener  (1.1) Listens or pays attention to what you say  (1.2) Patient  (1.2.1) Takes the time to help you solve problems  (1.2.2) Never blames or punishes you for the mistakes you made  (1.3) Supportive  (1.3.1) Financially  ( Education, tuition and tutoring  ( Shelter, food and clothes  (1.3.2) Emotionally  ( Support your choice: choosing college major  ( Respect your opinion and ideas  My mom has many good characteristics that I think all parents should have, let me give you some of them. First, she is a good listener who always pays attention to what I have to say, that makes her the person who knows me the best in our family. And also, she has a good manner. I’ve learned from her how to treat others around me with dignity and respect since I was young, thanks to her I made many good friends in my life. Also, she’s very supportive of me. For example, she’s always wanted me to get in to Finance, but my passion is in Art. Although we had different views of what I should be studying in college, she was very supportive of me and my goals and decided to send me to the best Art school in the country.  I think a good parent should be patient. Because children are always confused with the things around them, they ask questions every now and then. A good parent should be patient enough to give them answers. When i was very young, I always asked questions like “Why can airplanes fly?”,“Why can’t we fly?” and “Why the earth is a globe?”. My parents answered these questions patiently and if they couldn’t, they would buy books that have the answers to my questions. I also think a good parent should be open-minded. In other words, they should respect their children’s decisions when their kids are growing up. My parents always show their respect to my decisions. My major in the college is software engineering, but I decided to be an English teacher after graduation. My parents respected my decision and allow me to pursue my own interest. Thanks to my parents, I am patient and I respect other people.


给你提供一个托福口语两周准备方案:第一周所要作的是从整体上锻炼自己的口语和思维。复习材料在以往的机经/李笑来作文书上185篇的题目/官方指南后面列作文题目这三者选一个就可以了。这里推荐用李笑来的作文书,因为那上面可以看看别人的作文观点的展开,知道自己可以说什么,而且可以顺便练习一下作文。具体的方法是:随机挑一个题目,准备15秒,说45秒。如此反复地练100道题目,绝对会有效果。练到70,80道的时候你就能感觉到几乎所有的话题你至少都能说上一分钟了,这样保证了考试时绝对不会冷场。第二周就是模考练习了。需要找一些模考软件,如BARRON,DELTA等。托福官网的样题也一定要去做一遍,那个试题的口语部分给出了bad, fair, good三个分数段的样板答案,可以参照样板给自己估估分,更重要的是自己知道了努力的方向。这里没有什么方法可言,除了不断地练习。每天坚持练口语1个小时以上,题目可以重复做。 最开始两天熟悉题型,后来几天着重注意自己的解题技巧。托福口语的模板性很强,把自己的模板固定下来是这个时期的任务。希望可以帮到你!

求:托福 黄金口语80题答案 (Topic21 Question2) Question: Do you prefer to study alone on w

1、答题要领: (1)specifically express your stand. (2)ideally include 2 reasons for your preference. 2、观点提示: (1) study alone 1) When studying alone, I have more time to think about hard questions by myself before understanding them. This improves my study efficiency. 2) I have to try my best when I have no other people to rely on. This is good for developing the ability of independent thinking. (2) study in group 1) When I encounter challenging questions, I can turn to other people in the group for help. With everyone sharing their ideas on a single topic, we will learn more than one way to solve the problem. 2) Different people have different aspects that they are good at. Working together will definitely improve the efficiency. 3、模板: (1) Well,in my opinion, I definitely think it is better to... (2) There are a couple of reasons for my preference. (3) First, ... (4) Second, ...

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