

莫纳什大学clayton校区(请问莫纳什 clayton 和 caulfield 两个校区的区别)

admin admin 发表于2023-12-08 10:55:00 浏览73 评论0


各位老铁们,大家好,今天由我来为大家分享莫纳什大学clayton校区,以及请问莫纳什 clayton 和 caulfield 两个校区的区别的相关问题知识,希望对大家有所帮助。如果可以帮助到大家,还望关注收藏下本站,您的支持是我们最大的动力,谢谢大家了哈,下面我们开始吧!


请问莫纳什 clayton 和 caulfield 两个校区的区别




3、clayton是莫纳什的主校区,那里有大多数的科系配置和设备。caulfield大概只有部分的it, arts和商科,配置设备较少。






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Monash clayton campus宿舍

    澳洲的莫纳什大学。。。区域在Clayton, Victoria, Australia 。  clayton campus意思是clayton校区,  莫纳什大学是澳大利亚八所名校之一(Group of  8),学校位于澳大利亚第二大城墨尔本市。大学创校于1958年,总共有八个校区,其中有六所皆设址于墨城附近,主校区位于墨尔本市东南区,另有分校位于马来西亚吉隆坡和南非约翰尼斯堡的瑞姆西格(Ruimsig),并且在意大利普拉多(Prato)和英国伦敦各有一所研究中心,在澳大利亚莫纳什大学是校园最大,学生最多的综合大学。  以下是Clayton campus的英文介绍,它是莫纳什大学最大的一个校区,面积大约有1.1km² ;,同时也是该大学的总部和核心区域,需要更高的准入学分。这个校区包括了艺术学院,商业和经济,教育工程,IT,法律,医学,护理,健康科学和科学等专业。 在校园的东南角有宿舍群,由两块面积的单元楼组成,公寓的面积从两人间到五人间不等,总共有30个单元楼,被设计可以提供用作130名学生的宿舍。    Clayton campus  The Clayton campus covers an area over 1.1 km² and is the largest of the Monash campuses. Clayton is the flagship campus for Monash, demanding higher ENTER scores than all the other campuses, with the exception of Parkville. Clayton is home to the faculties of Arts, Business & Economics, Education, Engineering, IT, Law, Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences and Science.  In 2001, the State Government of Victoria decided to build the first Australian synchrotron adjoining the campus. The Australian Synchrotron opened in July 2007 and creates beam light to make it capable to view matter at the molecular level. Monash University contributed $5M towards the $220M cost of the synchrotron as a member of the funding partnership for the initial suite of beamlines.The campus is also home to a number of halls of residence, colleges and other on-campus accommodation that house several thousand students.  The Clayton campus has its own suburb and postcode (3800).  Six halls of residence are located at the Clayton campus in Clayton, Victoria.  Howitt Hall is the tallest Monash residential building, standing 12 stories high, with a good view of the other halls and the university. Howitt Hall is the third oldest hall, and was opened in September 1966. The hall is named after Alfred Howitt, a scholar and prominent figure in early Gippsland.  Farrer Hall is divided into two buildings, Commons and Lords, with an annex to Commons called Chastity which is located above the common room. The Hall has more focus on floors, with kitchens, laundries and common rooms shared across them.  Richardson Hall (Richo) is the newest of the Halls of Residence at Monash University. Richardson is home to 190 residents. Richardson ’has’ been known as the ’International hall’ to residents of other halls, due to the high incidence of international students residing in Richardson.  Deakin Hall was the first residence hall established at Monash University in Australia, in September, 1962.The residence hall was named after Alfred Deakin, Prime Minister from 1903-1910 and father of the Australian Constitution.  Roberts Hall is named after Tom Roberts, an Australian artist who was affectionately known as ’the bulldog’. The mascot of Roberts Hall is a bulldog in recognition of this.  The South East Flats is located at the south-eastern corner of the university’s Clayton campus. It is made up of two blocks of flats, and the flat sizes range from 2 bedrooms to 5 bedrooms. There are 30 flats in total, designed to accommodate 130 students.  The campus is also adjacent to Mannix College, a residential college affiliated with Monash University.


    英盛观察为您解答:  没有  莫纳什大学Clayton校区位于墨尔本东南区,距离墨尔本市中心约需30分钟车程,因而对Clayton校区的学生来说,去市中心买菜或上餐馆吃饭显得不是那么方便。其实,在Clayton及其周边,就有不少适合留学生去买菜的地方和吃饭的小食馆。


不太清楚你这么问的目的是什么。。。。莫纳什有两个校区,一个在clayton,一个在caufeild,这个忘记这么拼了clayton比较远,大概要1个小时左右到墨尔本大学吧另一个校区大概40分钟左右具体方法都是从学校内坐bus到就近的火车站,然后火车到flinders或者melbourne centre,然后换电车到墨尔本大学也可以直接做bus到city,然后再换电车交通是挺便利的,但是距离不算远,如果路上再等等车耽误耽误,就要1个小时以上了吧



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