

维吉尼亚伍尔夫是谁?求 德国前总统伍尔夫的简介

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维吉尼亚(艾德琳)·伍尔夫(Virginia Woolf,1882-1941年),英国小说家。她大胆地用意识流技巧进行写作实验,通过这种技巧描绘了她笔下角色未说出口的思想,她在作品中忽视常用的叙述结构,给很多读者制造了阅读障碍。然而很多评论家把她列为最重要的英国小说家。她的作品特点是抒情强烈,充满神秘感,常常使人想起以散文形式表达的形而上学诗歌。她出生在伦敦,是莱斯利·斯蒂芬爵士的女儿,莱斯利是位著名的不可知论哲学家和学者。1912年,她嫁给了伦纳德·伍尔夫。和他一起创办了贺加斯出版社,并经营了近20年。他们的家是“布卢姆斯伯里团体”的聚会地点,该团体成员包括爱德华·摩根·福斯特、利顿·斯特雷奇、约翰·梅纳德·凯恩斯和其他一些人。后来她投水自杀。她的小说包括:《出航》(1915年);《达洛维夫人》(1925年);《到灯塔去》(1927年);《奥兰多》(1928年)《海浪》(1931年);《岁月》(1937年);《幕间》(1941年);《普通读者》(1925年)是评论随笔集。《一间自己的房间》(1929年)和《三个几尼》(1938年)是女权主义随笔。死后出版的作品包括:《散文集》(4卷,1967年)《维吉尼亚·伍尔夫的信件》(6卷,1975-80年),《存在的瞬间》(1916年)和《维吉尼亚·伍尔夫的日记》(5卷,1977-84年)。

求 德国前总统伍尔夫的简介





克里斯蒂安·武尔夫(Christian Wilhelm Walter Wulff (德语发音: 1959年6月19日-),德国政治人物。武尔夫2010年至2012年间任德国总统,为德国迄今为止最年轻的总统。2012年2月17日,武尔夫辞去总统一职。





virginia woolf 的简介

弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫(Virginia Woolf 1882-1941)原名弗吉尼亚·斯蒂芬,是英国现代著名的女小说家、评论家和散文作者。她的小说创作实践推动了现代小说的发展,她的理论进一步巩固了意识流小说的地位,她的影响在文学上经久不衰。但是,40年代到60年代,在英国对伍尔夫的评价一直偏低。从70年代起,英国文学研究领域却突发了对她重新研究的兴趣,甚至对她的“发疯”、相貌、癖性、爱好、私生活等等都有人进行专题研究。弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫已成为英国文学界的一位传奇人物。


德国现任总统是武尔夫。 克里斯蒂安·武尔夫(Christian Wulff),德国基民盟副主席、下萨克森州州长。1959年6月19日出生于德国西北部下萨克森州城市奥斯纳布吕克,他在中学期间就加入了基民盟,并一直是社团活动的积极分子。他曾先后担任过下萨克森州基民盟少年团和青年团的负责人。  1984年起,武尔夫进入下萨克森州基民盟领导层,于1994年到2008年间担任下萨克森州基民盟主席。1998年11月,他成为基民盟四个副主席之一。  武尔夫在奥斯纳布吕克大学学法律,1990年起任律师。1994年和1998年先后两次竞选下萨克森州州长,但均败给当时的州长、后任德国总理的社民党人施罗德。1998年起任基民盟副主席。2003年3月,他第三次冲击下萨克森州州长宝座,击败社民党候选人、现社民党主席加布里尔,首次担任州长。2008年连任下萨克森州州长。  2010年5月31日,德国总统霍斯特·克勒突然宣布立即辞职,原因是他发表联邦国防军参与海外行动与维护德国经济利益挂钩的言论遭受批评。  6月3日,德国总理默克尔宣布,她领导的执政联盟决定,推举基民盟副主席、下萨克森州州长武尔夫作为总统候选人。据德国媒体报道,默克尔是在联盟党(基民盟和基社盟)和自民党组成的执政联盟高层电话会议后做出这一决定的。 7月1日,武尔夫当选为德国总统,成为德国历史上最年轻的总统总统约阿希姆·高克,2012年3月18日当选;联邦议院议长诺贝特·拉默特,2005年10月18日当选;2009年10月27日再次当选;联邦总理安格拉·默克尔,2005年11月就职,2009年10月连任总理。2012年2月17日,克里斯蒂安·武尔夫因经济丑闻辞职。2012年3月18日,约阿希姆·高克当选德国新任总统。




http://www.classicreader.com/author.php/aut.40/Virginia Woolf was born in London, as the daughter of Julia Jackson Duckworth, a member of the Duckworth publishing family, and Leslie Stephen, a literary critic, a friend of Meredith, Henry James, Tennyson, Matthew Arnold, and George Eliot, and the founder of the Dictionary of National Biography. Leslie Stephen’s first wife had been the daughter of the novelist William Makepeace Thackeray. His daughter Laura from the first marriage was institutionalized because of mental retardation. In a memoir dated 1907 she wrote of her parents, "Beautiful often, even to our eyes, were their gestures, their glances of pure and unutterable delight in each other."Woolf was educated at home by her father, and grew up at the family home at Hyde Park Gate. In mddle age she described this period in a letter to Vita Sackville-West: "Think how I was brought up! No school; mooning about alone among my father’s books; never any chance to pick up all that goes on in schools throwing balls; ragging; slang; vulgarities; scenes; jealousies!" Woolf’s youth was shadowed by series of emotional shocks - her half-brother Gerald Duckworth sexually abused her and her mother died when she was in her early teens. Stella Duckworth, her half sister, took her mother’s place, but died a scant two years later. Leslie Stephen, her father, suffered a slow death from cancer. When her brother Toby died in 1906, she had a prolonged mental breakdown.Following the death of her father in 1904, Woolf moved with her sister Vanessa and two brothers to the house in Bloomsbury, which would become central to activities of the Bloomsbury group. "And part of the charm of those Thursday evenings was that they were astonishingly abstract. It was not only that Moore’s book had set us all discussing philosophy, art, religion; it was that the atmosphere - if in spite of Hawtrey I may use that word - was abstract in the extreme. The young men I have named had no ’manners’ in the Hyde Park Gate sense. They criticized our arguments as severely as their own. They never seemed to notice how we were dressed or if we were nice looking or not." (from Moments of Being, ed. by Jeanne Schulkind, 1976) Vanessa agreed to marry the critic of art and literature Clive Bell. Virginia’s economic situation improved she she inherited £2,500 from an aunt.From 1905 Woolf began to write for the Times Literary Supplement. In 1912 she married the political theorist Leonard Woolf, who had returned from serving as an administarator in Ceylon (now Sri Lanka). Woolf published her first book, The Voyage Out, in 1915. In 1919 appeared Night and Day, a realistic novel set in London, contrasting the lives of two friends, Katherine and Mary. Jacob’s Room (1922) was based upon the life and death of her brother Toby.With To the Lighthouse (1927) and The Waves (1931) Woolf established herself as one of the leading writers of modernism. On the publication of To the Lighthouse, Lytton Strachey wrote: "It is really most unfortunate that she rules out copulation - not the ghost of it visible - so that her presentation of things becomes little more... than an arabesque - an exquisite arabesque, of course." The Waves is perhaps Woolf’s most difficult novel. It follows in soliloquies the lives of six persons from childhood to old age. Louis Kronenberger noted in The New York Times that Woolf was not really corncerned with people, but "the poetic symbols, of life--the changing seasons, day and night, bread and wine, fire and cold, time and space, birth and death and change."In these works Woolf developed innovative literary techniques in order to reveal women’s experience and find an alternative to the male-dominated views of reality. In her essay ’Mr. Bennett and Mrs. Brown’ Woolf argued that John Galsworthy, H.G. Wells and other realistic English novelist dealt in surfaces but to get underneath these surfaces one must use less restricted presentation of life, and such devices as stream of consciousness and interior monologue and abandon linear narrative.Mrs. Dalloway (1925) formed a giant web of thoughts of several groups of people during the course of a single day. There is little action, but much movement in time from present to past and back again through the characters memories. The central figure, Clarissa Dalloway, is a wealthy London hostess. She spends her day in London preparing for her evening party. She recalls her life before World War I, berofe her marriage to Richard Dalloway, and her friendship with the unconventional Sally Seton, and her relationship with Peter Walsh. At her party she never meets the shell-shocked veteran Septimus Smith, one of the first Englishmen to enlist in the war. Sally returns as Lady Rossetter, Peter Walsh is still enamored with Mrs. Dalloway, the prime minister arrives, and Smith commits suicide. To the Lighthouse had a tripartite structure: part 1 presented the Victorian family life, the second part covers a ten-year period, and the third part is a long account of a morning in which ghosts are laid to rest. The central figure in the novel, Mrs. Ramsay, was based on Woolf’s mother. Also other characters in the book were drawn from Woolf’s family memories."So that is marriage, Lily thought, a man and a woman looking at a girl throwing a ball." (from To the Lighthouse)During the inter-war period Woolf was at the center of literary society both in London and at her home in Rodmell, near Lewes, Sussex. She lived in Richmond from 1915 to 1924, in Bloomsbury from 1924 to 1939, and maintained the house in Rodmell from 1919-41. The Bloomsbury group was initially based at the Gordon Square residence of Virginia and her sister Vanessa (Bell). The consolidation of the group’s beliefs in unifying aesthetic concerns occurred under the influence of the philosopher G.E. Moore (1873-1958). The group included among others E.M. Forster, Lytton Strachey, Clive Bell, Vanessa Bell, Duncan Grant, and Leonard Woolf. By the early 1930s, the group ceased to exist in its original form.In the event of a Nazi invastion, Woolf and Leonard had made provisions to kill themselves. After the final attack of mental illness Woolf loaded her pockets with stones and drowned herself in the River Ouse near her Sussex home on March 28, 1941. On her note to her husband she wrote: "I have a feeling I shall go mad. I cannot go on longer in these terrible times. I hear voices and cannot concentrate on my work. I have fought against it but cannot fight any longer. I owe all my happiness to you but cannot go on and spoil your life." Her suicide has colored interpretations of her works, which have been read perhaps too straightly as explorations of her own traumas.Virginia Woolf’s concern with feminist thematics are dominant in A Room of One’s Own (1929). In it she made her famous statement: "A woman must have money and a room of her own if she is to write fiction." The book originated from two expanded and revised lectures the author presented at Cambridge University’s Newnham and Girton Colleges in October 1928. It deals with the obstacles and prejudices that have hindered women writers, and analyzes the differences between women as objects of representation and women as authors of representation. Woolf argued that a change in the forms of literature was necessary because most literature had been "made by men out of their own needs for their own uses." In the last chapter it explores the possibility of an androgynous mind. Woolf refers to Coleridge who said that a great mind is androgynous and states that when this fusion takes place the mind is fully fertilized and uses all its faculties. "Perhaps a mind that is purely masculine cannot create, any more than a mind that is purely feminine..." Three Guineas (1938) examined the necessity for women to make a claim for their own history and literature. Orlando (1928), a fantasy novel, traced the career of the androgynous protagonist from a masculine identity within the Elisabethan court to a feminine identity in 1928. The book was illustrated with pictures of Woolf’s lover, Vita Sackville-West, dressed as Orlando. According to Nigel Nicolson, the initiative to start the affair came as much on Virginia’s side as on the more experienced Vita’s. Their relationship coincided with a period of great creative productivity in Woolf’s career as a writer. In 1994 Eileen Atkins dramatized their letters in her play Vita and Virginia, starring Atkins and Vanessa Redgrave.As an essayist Woolf was prolific, publishing some 500 essays in periodicals and collections, beginning 1905. Characteristic for Woolf’s essays are dialogic nature of style and continual questioning of opinion - her reader is often directly addressed, in a conversational tone, and her rejection of an authoritative voice links her essays to the tradition of Montaigne.
