


admin admin 发表于2023-12-11 03:35:40 浏览51 评论0





1860年-1870年,学校初建,是一所文理学院;1892年,成为雷丁学院,是牛津大学的一个下属学院,第一任校长是英国地理学院Sir Halford John Mackinder;1901年,学校获得第一笔财政补助;1904年,学校选址也就是今天的伦敦路校区(London Road Campus);1926年,学校二次申请并正式授予英国皇家宪章,成为一所独立的大学,即雷丁大学(1920年第一次申请未果);1947年,学校创办了第二个校区,也是学校的主校区( Whiteknights Park);1989年,学校与巴莫什高等教育学院(Bulmershe College of Higher Education)正式 ;2008年,学校正式与亨利管理学院( Henley Management College)合并,成立了亨利商学院;2009年,学校新型结构组建完成,包括3个学院,分别是理学院、人文艺术与社会科学学院、亨利商学院Our origins lie in the Schools of Art and Science established in Reading in 1860 and 1870. These became part of an extension college opened in 1892 by Christ Church, Oxford. The college thrived, receiving its first treasury grant in 1901. Three years later the local Palmer family, of the famous biscuit manufacturer Huntley & Palmers, donated our London Road campus that is home to our Institute of Education today. We received a Royal Charter in 1926, the only university to do so between the two world wars. At the same time, Dr William M Childs became the University’s first Vice-Chancellor.Since then a number of milestones have shaped the University’s history and made us the centre of excellence and vibrant community that we are today. In 1947 we purchased our main Whiteknights campus, the former country estate of the Marquis of Blandford. In 2008, the University’s merger with Henley Management College gave us our Greenlands campus on the River Thames. These together with our historic London Road campus, are amongst the most beautiful places to study in the UK.


