
留学申请表模板 留学申请 出国


admin admin 发表于2023-12-11 13:32:29 浏览76 评论0





是哪个国家呢,你也没说啊。首先,这个不是一概而论的,每个学校的要求不一样,essay的内容要要不一样。并且你要根据学校的喜好,把自己包装成学校想要的那种类型。比如 有学校喜欢有工作经验的,有的明确说不要某个专业的,有的喜欢aggressive的,都不一样。具体问题具体分析,申请的基本材料包括ps essay 推荐信等等。祝好运!!


  美式简历划分为四大部分  一般来说,美式简历分为个人信息、教育背景、工作背景和其他支持性信息这四大部分。在这四大部分中,工作背景是简历的重头戏。  第一、个人信息:  在简历的顶头正中央处写明自己的姓名,并用大写加黑体标出。并且姓名下面写清自己的永久居住地址、邮编、电话和常用的电子邮件地址。另外,在简历的个人信息的写作中绝对不能用缩写。  第二、教育背景:  申请人一定要以编年体的形式写清楚自己的教育背景。标明自己原来所毕业的院校的名称、在校学习的年限、授予了什么学位以及在校期间读了什么专业的学位。  第三、工作背景:  这一部分是美国大学教授最看重的一部分。在这一部分里,申请人要以从近到远的时间顺序表明自己所就职的公司的名称、职位、以及就职时间。另外更重要的是要以最简明的语言写出自己的工作描述,语言简洁并不意味着含糊不清,同时申请者要把自己的工作成绩详细的写明,最好以数据来作为支持。另外,每一项的工作描述不要超过两行。只有这样,美国大学的教授才会更加准确的判断申请人的背景、技能、兴趣、职业目标,并且判断申请人是否能给其所带的项目做出贡献。  第四、其他支持性信息:  以最短的文字说明自己在上学期间或在工作期间,是否参加过一些公益性活动或获得过什么奖项。这一部分不用写太多,保证简历在一篇内完成即可。  总结语:  综上所述,只有向美国大学的教授清晰的表达出自己的教育背景、职业经历和其他相关的技能,才会给读者留下简历主人是很认真、很敬业并有培养潜力的申请人。如此一来,美国教授在未读申请人个人陈述和推荐信前,就已经对申请人先有了一个良好的、敬重的态度了。写个人陈述注意不要像列清单,也不要重复申请表格已有的资料。把每个文书都做的很认真,做到相互之间的呼应,这样才是最好的。刘老师把简历加入了学术背景,社会活动,海外经历等等内容,这样的简历看起来不仅饱和,而且能让审核者对这个刚大一的学生刮目相看。年纪小小却有着非常丰厚的经验。误区一:写作风格并不重要有人认为“重要的是你说什么,而不是你怎么说。”这个想法是非常错误的。在这个标榜个性的时代,连穿衣都要讲究STYLE,文书中的个人特色也是非常重要的。符合逻辑,重点突出,有创造性,有特色的文字才是被众人喜欢和认可的。误区二:找出正确的主题无所谓  个人陈述五步走中就已经讲到主题这个问题。只有明确的主题才能吸引人的眼球,让别人知道你想表达什么是很重要的。如果你的个人陈述让别人感到疑惑:“为什么这个申请者要告诉我这些内容呢?”这时候说明你的文书是失败的。多花一些时间筛选一些突出你经历或者个性的内容,让它们突出你的主题吧!  误区三:谈论任何主题都是可以的  在筛选主题的时候,一定要确保这个主题对你的申请是有利的,你喜欢踢足球,然后你把足球作为你的主题,整篇都是关于足球话题,但是你想申请的是微生物学,这个主题与你的申请就有很大一段距离,那你最好放弃。你可以定一个与实验相关的主题。  误区四: 按要求办事并不重要  在学校的录取要求上,很多时候会标明个人陈述字数的限制或者你需要回答以下几个问题。当要求是1000个单词左右时,你写了整整3000个,因为你觉得你有很多优势需要排列,很多内容必须陈述,实际上,你这做法是错误的。我们一定要仔细阅读这些要求,忽略这些要求就等于告诉申请委员会你很难遵守规则,很多规则你可能认为无关紧要,可以不遵守。  误区五:谈论日常生活是禁忌  艺术或者科学实际上都是来源于生活,但很多人都在文书中对专业内容高谈论阔,却忽略了生活。很多申请者都是二十岁左右,并没有非常厚实的经历或者学术背景,这样的话你还是乖乖的谈论一下你的人生,你的生活吧!  误区六:使用有学术味的语言以加深印象  相信任何一个申请委员会委员的学术水平都会高于你现在的水平,所以不要在他们面前卖弄你那可怜的从百度上搜来的专业知识。你可以适当谈一下你对这个专业的看法,但不需要过度深入,他们想看到的更多是你个人魅力,而不是你在那描述你对这个专业是多么的了解。如果你对这个专业已经这么熟悉,为什么还要来学校学习呢?  误区七:写一个申请书就够了  但是,每个学校对个人申述的要求是不一样的,所以不要认为申请同个专业一篇个人陈述就OK。 你可以采用这篇文章的框架,但在一些细节之处还是要根据每所学校来修改。  误区八:抄袭模板 除了申请文书之外,另外还需要准备其他一些比较重要的材料,诸如语言成绩单复印件,资金证明,在读证明或学历证明,毕业证明等等。这些材料要根据不同的背景需要做相应的调整。有效的组织申请材料才会让学生在申请中取得优势并在最后成功拿到录取。


申请的是剑桥大学,学科是计算机科学(Computer Science) I have been deeply interested in computing since a small boy. My father first sparked interest when he introduced me to the computer systems at his work place. From that moment I have wanted to know just how computers work, why they work and what potential they have as our understanding of computers develops. When I was 13, self study helped me to understand the basics of computer language including C and VBS. I found the work fascinating and relatively straightforward to understand. A strong foundation in math helped me. My work has allowed me to undertake programming to create software which allows me to control my computer efficiently. I joined the SCM (Single Chip) group when I was in primary school. SCM is a useful tool that enables me to edit music and play it back through speakers. I played "Happy Birthday" for my teacher on his birthday using the technology. I have been the administrator of the school computers from secondary school to now. Since I came over to the UK for my A level Course three years ago. I have enjoyed learning in St.Andrews’ College and experiencing the vibrant student life in Cambridge. Attending lectures and activities such as "Synthetic Biology" and "the Microsoft Day" at the New Cavendish last year in the University has broadened my mind. My keen interest has meant that, I have studied beyond my A level specifications. The A levels I have chosen to study have all helped me to develop as a person and also my understanding of the different subjects. Physics helps me to understand the foundations of how a computer works. For example through learning physics I understand that the use of copper coil on the motherboard reduces resistance and the heat released. I believe that knowing how computers work could help me to create programs to control computers in a better way. Within math, I have been lucky enough to have a math’s teacher who is very interested in computer science. He has been especially helpful, lending me books including “Algorithmics - The Spirit of Computing”. These books have added much to my understanding of computer science. Also I attended the UK MT Math Challenge and computing competitions during my A-level. My interest in computing has not been restricted to the classroom and college life. Within the last twelve months I have used the knowledge that I have gained over the past twelve years together with the help of my family to set up my own computer related business. This has given me a totally new perspective on how certain things function. Through the setting up of the company and its subsequent running I have learnt many things. These include how to balance tasks effectively, how critical teamwork can be and how to delegate tasks to get the job done quickly and efficiently. As well as spending time both studying and helping to run the business I also contribute to charity work. In previous years, I have raised about 2000 Yuan for poor families in West China and 500 Yuan for earthquake refugees in Sichuan Province. When I did my Pre A level course in Queen Ethelburga’s College York, my friend and I raised 200 for poor children in Africa who need money for education. I was also a volunteer for the Beijing Olympic Games 2008. Outside my academic work I enjoy sports activities. I play table tennis regularly with my school team and also at a local club. Earlier this year in the Greater ShenYang Under 19 Table Tennis Tournament in my city ShenYang I came sixth in the competition. I started to play piano when I was 6 and I was the piano and sousaphone player in my school music group. I am proactive and believe that I am fully prepared to meet the challenges of computer science. Computing has undoubtedly been the most rewarding experience of my education. My teachers have been a constant inspiration over the years and I look forward to the opportunity of extending my knowledge and experience in higher education. http://miyamiyami.blog.163.com/ 这有个人的博客,可以去看看

