
personal statement范文模板 商科

personal statement范文模板(Personal statement范文,多给几个,商科的,怎么写阿)

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大家好,今天小编来为大家解答以下的问题,关于personal statement范文模板,Personal statement范文,多给几个,商科的,怎么写阿这个很多人还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!


Personal statement范文,多给几个,商科的,怎么写阿

网上多得是,供你参考:1. Personal Statement范文模板: http://ps.abroadstar.com http://ps.applybook.com http://blog.163.com/miyamiyami2. Purdue Online Writing Lab: http://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/642/01/3. UCAS Personal Statement Guide: http://www.ucas.ac.uk/students/applying/howtoapply/personalstatement/4. UMN How to Write a Personal Statement: http://www.unm.edu/~pre/law/archuleta.htm5. Kent Writing a Personal Statement: http://www.kent.ac.uk/careers/cv/PersonalStatement.htm6. Duham How to write a effective personal statement: http://www.dur.ac.uk/undergraduate/apply/personalstatement/7. WPI Personal Statements and Essays: http://www.wpi.edu/Academics/FS/essays.html8. Berkeley Personal Statement写作指导: http://students.berkeley.edu/apa/personalstatement/index.htm

personal statement 怎么写



一范文:Personal Statement - Sample 1One of my career objectives is to become a leading Investment/ Financial Adviser with great intellectual resources and skills required for the delivery of a value added, timely and personalized client service. The CFA charter is an internationally respected qualification, with its members driving development of capital markets and spear heading development projects especially in Africa where I come from. Having the CFA charter is a sign of competence and professionalism in the Investment Banking Service field. Also, the knowledge learned is a distinguishing factor among investment professionals. The CFA charter would increase my knowledge base, improve my marketability and also produce an agent for change in Africa and West Africa in particular as I intend to focus on Africa-based projects. My goal is to complete the CFA exams by the age of 26 (currently 23) and the CFA access scholarship would help me achieve my goal of becoming a CFA charter holder faster as I would otherwise spend a long period saving up for the exam fees.二范文: Personal Statement - Sample 2I believe I am an excellent candidate for the CFA designation scholarship. My plans for the rest of my year at UW-L is to complete my finance and accounting classes for my major and minor, and to take the FIN 400 course. I am very excited to be taking the Advanced Financial Analysis course because I feel the course will complete my major and combine all my finance classes into one review course, which will prepare me for the most important test of my career. I am fully prepared to study the recommend 250 hours for the first exam and for following two rigorous exams in the next 3 years to come.My ambitions after graduating from college are to go into the corporate world as a financial analyst. During the past summer, I had a financial analyst internship at Kohler Co., where I learned a lot about the financial world from a corporate level and realized I could have a very successful, rewarding career in this area of finance. Having the CFA will grant my employer the security and confidence in knowing I have knowledge, integrity and professionalism of someone you can trust with your financial information and most personal details.The CFA will provide me with a broad range of investment knowledge and high ethical standards of which will provide my future employer with a well-rounded individual. In working towards my CFA, I will not only learn and apply finance but economics, accounting and basic business management. I also plan to expand on my financial analyst real-life experiences and relate them to what have studied for the CFA (and vise-versa), so I can apply my education in a meaningful manner.I hope while I am studying for all three exams of the CFA I will gain knowledge that will lead me to promotions. In the near future I would like to be a manager or controller of business/financial analyst or capital planning. The CFA will provide me with wisdom, standards and ethics to be an even better manager and leader. I already have powerful leadership qualities, most of which I have learned through the many positions I have held in my sorority Alpha Xi Delta, but I would like to expand on those qualities to become more successful in my career.Not only will the CFA help me with my career, but also to help me grow as a person, learning self-discipline and guidance. The CFA will also help me keep on track with my future profession, and will keep concepts and ideas fresh in my mind and will make them easier to recall and use when needed.Thank you for taking the time to review my application. Any financial help or program fees will be greatly appreciated and put to good use.

personal statement 个人陈述 怎么写

我是一名大一新生 我们国际学院就已经开始要求写四年后的personal statement了 我写的是 开头点题就是你选择这个学校的原因 通篇要有一半以上原因 每个原因拓展来支持它的观点 从你的兴趣爱好 你的经历,社会实践 你的个人素养和品质 以及你的学识背景来入手, 最后一段总结一下原因,然后说给你这个机会啊什么的就OK了

求一篇留学所用的Personal Statement ,例文或者模板也可

帖子看到回复如下: 1、千万不要去模仿什么“模版”! 2、给以一个我以前放在网上的关于PS的短文,供你参考:什么是PS——PS就是Personal Statement。顾名思义就是个人陈述一、 PS的注意事项1.PS切忌套用模板,好的PS是千锤百炼的结果,是自己的思想或成就的结晶。初稿时可以借鉴他人的一些元素或经验,但是最终的PS应该是“自己的”——必须具有自己的特点。2.要注意PS与其他材料的配合,比如推荐信,CV等,PS也要有所突出和重点,不需要面面俱到。3.最好不要有表达上的问题,自己要用自己拿手的有把握单词和句式,千万不要因为想多样性,而去多样性。4.一定要按照学校的要求来写PS,比如字数要求等。所以在网申提交PS时一定要看清学校的要求,不要答非所问。PS的字数不要超过学校的字数要求,也不要写得太少。二、PS作用与目的出国留学PS在整个的申请过程中的作用是不容置疑的,好的PS可以吸引教授的眼球,可以弥补一些其他方面(比如GT)的瑕疵。因为在国外,教授的权利还是比较大的,大部分学校都是如此。所以能让一个教授看上你,你就会很有希望。所以我们写PS的一个主要目的就是要全面的展现自己的优势并吸引住教授(最好的PS是可以让教授亲自去联系你)。三、PS如何写好PS要写好,难度很大,想好解释好如何写PS难度也不小,从宏观上说,有两个方面,一方面是内容,另一方面是表达。内容怎么样才算是好呢?其实答案不唯一,我个人觉得内容要跟着自己的目的走。有的放矢,假设自己PS的读者,我觉得可以把读者局限到自己想套的教授的范围内,要想方设法让教授眼前一亮,不过说得容易,做起来很难。表达是另一个难关,特别是对于我们习惯了中文思维的同学更是如此。所以要想写出好的PS,如何表达,语言关是一定要过的。四、PS的开篇PS的开头与几种套路,所谓万事开头难,PS也是这样,在写的时候是煞费苦心,不知道怎么个写法,几种还不错的开头方法。1.介绍背景型这种方法可能会很普通,但是这是最容易上手的一种方法。一开始先介绍下自己的学校和专业,自己的人生理想,自己的人生目标,自己对将来的打算,或者用一句话来表达自己对学校的喜爱等。这样的开头感觉还是手很顺,因为都是想想就可以写出来,很适合初稿的写作,这样的开头也能使国外教授一开始就能对你有个大致的了解。教授一天要看很多份材料,不可能都很细心,将自己的背景一开始就和盘托出,可以使老美省力不少,其看后面的段落时心理会更有条理。2.明确目的型这也是一种不错的开头方法,有点类似于写文章里举例子的开头,可以回忆一件自己小时候的事(我们写作文好像经常这么干),然后通过这件事来引出想出国的原因。比如小时候根本就不想出国,但是后来长大了,了解的事物多了,感觉到世界真是大呀,自己的同学出了国,和自己说了很多贵国的事,使得自己也对贵国充满了好奇…等等,一开始就让教授知道你出国的目的,开篇坦诚,也是国外教授喜欢的。

申研的Personal Statement怎么写详细的格式,内容,有范例最好,谢谢~嘿

Personal Statement1In connection with my application for acceptance into your Ph.D. program, I enclosed following statement concerning my life, professional activities, and tentative future plans.Born in Wuhan, Hubei Province in China, on Jan. 19, 1975, I go to school at age of 6. After 12 years of education, I was recommended to Tsinghua University without tests. I am looking forward to receive my B.E. degree this summer.During my academic years, I kept getting high scores. I got the highest scores nearly in every courses.At the same time, I take an active role in the research lab. I learned and practised a lot during this work. Because my special contribution to the project of Tsinghua Software, I was rewarded several awards by the university as well as the Ministry of Electronics, such as AAA scholarship, BBB honour.After these years of study, I decided to devote all my life to Computer Science and would like to apply for Ph.D. your University. I know you have very strong faculty and facilities for an individualised study plan.Personal Statement2Statement of GoalsApplicant: Liu YingProgram: Ph.D. in Computer ScienceAlthough an ordinary girl born in an ordinary family, I was brought up in atmosphere of love. Therefore I love this world and people, I wish to devote to their happiness and satis-faction.Computer Science Is The Answer.At age of 16, I entered the Department of Computer Science of Tsinghua University, the best University, best department in China. I was so absorbed by the magic of Computer Theory as well as Application. I deeply believe that Computer Science will definitely change the industry of the future.Since My overall GPA belong to upper 5% of 150 students, I was awarded many scholarship, such as Tsinghua Outstanding Student Fellowship, GuangHua Fellowship. As reward,I was recommended to enter the Ph.D.Program at Tsinghua University directly,waived of tests. But I choose to apply for your University since you could provide a better environment for further research.What’s The Interest.I have a broad interest in this discipline. But the most desired area of interest is Software Engineering. Other interests follow in order of preference: Computer Architecture, Artificial Intelligence, Computer Graphics.

OK,关于personal statement范文模板和Personal statement范文,多给几个,商科的,怎么写阿的内容到此结束了,希望对大家有所帮助。
